separation (epilogue)

596 19 5

Narrator POV

A wailing raven crumples to the ground next to the bedside of a motionless blonde. The sobbing adolescent wraps his arms around the unmoving blonde and cradles him close to his chest, staining the deceased's shirt with the tears rolling down his pale face and dripping from his chin. A passerby stops at the door to the room and questions the crying raven on whether or not he is in need of assistance, and in response he shakes his head, bawling as he rocks back and forth on his knees. The stranger, now concerned, summons a doctor who enters the room with the distraught twenty-year-old. In a flash, a team of nurses is attempting to pry the raven off of the still patient.

No, he thinks. I refuse to let go.

Suddenly, he feels a sharp pain in his left shoulder, causing him to loosen his grasp on the blonde. He is yanked away from his lover and dragged out of the room. NO, his mind screams, but when he opens his mouth to cry out, only slurred, inaudible words escape his chapped lips. He catches a glimpse of the nurses in a circle around the blonde, his blonde. Get away from him, he tries valiantly to cry out, yet his voice fails him. As his captor releases him outside of the room, he reaches out for his lover, disoriented as an effect of the anesthesia. He begins to grow drowsy, to the point where he is fading in and out of consciousness.

As he struggles to stay awake, the raven remembers a blonde angel, a wave of sorrow and nostalgia washing over him, pulling him under into darkness.

Separation, by definition, is the action or state of moving or being moved apart.

The young Uchiha feels this type of separation in more ways than one-the physical separation of him from his loved one and the emotional separation of his heart in two.

That's it :-)

Told you it would be short...

Thank you guys again for everything.  You are all amazing!

EDIT (April 22, 2016)-I'm sorry I forgot, but I'd also like to thank my first voter, AnimeAddict3 I screamed when I saw that someone had voted XD Also my gratitude to -Miki-chan- CharaTheAdorable and ANIMEISLIFE__ (some other voters and commenters) thank you guys so much for all your support because without you I might not have kept going.


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