don't let go

487 27 3


after art (3;15pm)

"Sasuke, please turn around!" I cry, weaving through clusters of students to catch up to the annoyed raven. He pauses for a moment and I am able to grasp onto his shoulder, preventing him from escaping. "Please listen to me," I beg, hoping my face says concerned and not tired. He frowns.

"You know what? No. I don't want to hear what you have to say. This whole relationship was clearly a joke to you," he states. I blink, shocked, as he continues. "To think I actually had feelings for you! You cheating on me, it stings like a bitch. You don't know what it's like to feel let down by anyone, not your relatives, not your friends. You've never had a family to disappoint you!" He spits. As soon as the words are out of his mouth, I can see he regrets them, but it's too late. People turn to stare at us and my face burns. I feel tears well up in my eyes.

"Really, Sasuke?" I manage as my wet tears soothe my hot cheeks. How dare he bring my parents' death into this. What a dick.

"Naruto, I-" He begins, but I'm already gone, sprinting up the stairs to the dorm rooms, tears running down my cheeks and splashing onto the dull concrete floors. I hear Sasuke calling me in the distance but choose to ignore him. When I reach our dorm, I rush inside and slam the door. I hear him skid to a stop outside the door. There's a knock, but I don't open up, simply mumble, "Go away," through my tears. There's a sigh, and he attempts to calm me down again. "Naruto, can I please come in?" He pleads. "Please?" His voice cracks, and my heart breaks slightly.

"Fuck off, Sasuke, I don't have anything to say to you right now!" I shout from the bed. I hear him kick the door. Did he not understand me?  Fuck.  Off.

"Naru, I just want to talk," he argues.  "I know what I said was wrong, and I'm so sorry.  I-I just wasn't thinking," he explains.  There's a moment of silence before he speaks once more.  "Let me in, Naruto," he says softly.  His tone reminds me of my mother's voice, soothing and gentle.  I sigh and wipe my eyes, attempt to pull myself together, and open the door.  I can almost see the wave of relief wash over Sasuke.  "Hon, I-"

"Don't call me that."

"N-Naruto, I-I'm so sorry," he stutters as a single tear makes its way down his pale cheek. I bite my lip as he goes on. "I know you w-would never do a-anything like that w-with Kiba and I-I'm just so fucking sorry for everything!" he blubbers. "F-for treating you like a t-total asshole all those years, for a-accusing you of cheating, for a-anything and everything, I'm so goddamn sorry! I regret it, so much, more than y-you will ever k-know, because if I had just t-told you how I felt about you s-so long ago, we c-could have had all of th-this sooner! It's all my fault, Naruto. I own up t-to it, and I apologize. P-Please, forgive m-me, b-because... Idon'tthinkIcanlivewithoutyou," he blurts. I take one look at his distraught state and break down, transforming from somewhat-collected adolescent to sobbing-mess-of-a-19-year-old.

"I k-know, Sas'ke, I know," I cry as he pulls me into a tight embrace.

"I know."

later (2am)

"Hey, Naruto?"

"What, babe?" I asked softly, tilting my head up to gaze into Sasuke's onyx eyes.

"Promise me that you'll never leave me. Swear to me, Naruto Uzumaki, that you'll always be by my side, through every little thing. Assure me that I'll never have to know another day without you." I frown slightly, my usual casual smirk still intact but a bit distorted by the furrowing of my brows. I stare down at Sasuke, confused by his out-of-the-blue demand and the worried look clouding his normally cool obsidian eyes. He inhales deeply and continues. "Even if it's a lie, I'll believe it, just tell me that you'll never let me go."

I feel tears well up in my dull cerulean eyes and bite my lip to keep them from spilling onto my cheeks. All I can do is nod and stutter, "O-Of course, I-" His lips crash into mine, and suddenly hot, wet tears are rolling down both of our faces. I smile into the kiss, and the shared fear of losing each other slowly dissipates, replaced by raw passion.

A few minutes pass, and Sasuke breaks off the kiss, though reluctantly. I sniff and wipe my eyes. "I love you so much," I whisper, reaching up to tuck a strand of raven hair behind his ear. He beams at me, his charcoal eyes glistening in the sheer moonlight.

Maybe it's because of the way he looks at me; maybe it's because of the drinks we had; maybe it's because it's it's two in the morning and I'm such a fucking mess; but I reply, "I love you too."

*squeak* sorry for the short chap guys but aayy I loved that sm *chants* sasunaru sasunaru sasunaru
see ya

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