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next day, 5th class (2pm)

Our art teacher clears his throat and begins the attendance. "Nara, Shikamaru."

Shikamaru rolls his eyes. "Deidara, do we have to keep doing attendance? Can't you just look around and guess at the fact that we are all here?" Deidara insists that we call him by his first name.

Deidara sighs. "You're right. Fuck attendance," he exclaims and slaps the sheet of paper that lists our names and contact information down on the messy, paint-splattered desk. I cheer along with the class at his use of cusses. I like this guy already, which says a lot, as I normally despise my instructors.

Deidara goes on to reiterate his style of teaching, as he did yesterday (and every day) and is sure to include a more than healthy dose of colorful language. "Art is like an explosion of your thoughts and an expulsion of your feelings onto the page," he says. "When you create whatever you create, it's a masterpiece, no matter what. Well, as long as it's not, like, some little doodle of a kitten or some shit." We all laugh along with him. He grins, showing off a set of bright white teeth and a small green orb in the center of his tongue. Ha, seems legit. "...Everyone take out your sketchbooks. Naruto, Sasuke, come get one from me and sketch whatever comes to the top of your head." Sasuke and I nod simultaneously. Deidara looks to the rest of the class. "Those of you who are already started, today we'll be testing out your acrylic abilities," he announces. He turns to Sasuke and I. "You two, be fast and you can start on painting today as well."

"Yeah, I'll be done pretty soon," Sasuke assures Deidara. He, being the overachiever that he is, has already started a rough sketch of what appears to be a gun.

"Hey babe, what're you drawing?" I say, sidling up next to my lover.

"Hn," he mumbles in reply. What's his problem? Maybe he's just got a lot on his mind.  I bite my lip and study his concentrated pose; brows furrowed, onyx eyes focused, pale lips turned down slightly. How anyone can be so irresistibly perfect, I have no clue.

I take out a pencil and grab a blank sketchbook.  Sasuke doesn't acknowledge my presence as I situate myself next to him.  Confused and frustrated by his hostility, I decide to ignore him by securing my earbuds and starting work on my so-called masterpiece. 

Before long, I feel a tap on my left shoulder.  I whip my head around and pull out a headphone.  Standing there is the tattooed redhead.  Gaara?  Yeah, that's it.  "Hey, do you care?" he questions, nodding to the empty seat on my right.  I shake my head. 

"Feel free," I mumble.  I glance over at him, and notice that he's finished with the painting of his sketch.  Gaara isn't paying attention to me or his drawing, so I lean over a bit and crane my neck to see his artwork; a fiery red dragon with feathery wings and a spiked tail, rising from flames in multidimensional shades of orange, yellow, red.  The creature is so life-like, I am almost threatened by him.  It's breathtaking.  "Hey, Gaara," I start.  The artist whips his head around and I lock my cerulean eyes onto his mint-coloured ones.  "This is amazing," I comment, gesturing to his work.  He grimaces.

"It didn't turn out the way I would've liked, but I'll settle," he explains.  I blink.  What the hell?  How could he not be infatuated with his skill?

"You're extremely talented, you know.  This is...  I don't have the words, it's simply incredible," I say.  He smiles, a closed-lipped, relaxed smile.  I'm about to ask him his thoughts on my sketch so far when a shadow approaches behind me and kisses me lightly on the cheek, pulling away lightening-fast.  I shake my head and mock-scowl at a howling Kiba. 

"Y-You...  H-Ha, hah-aha!" Kiba chortles, desperately attempting to catch his breath. 

"Oh, fuck off," I mutter and slap him playfully.  He does as told and disappears into the clay firing room.  I sigh and am about to switch my focus back to my drawing when, out of the corner of my eye, I catch an infuriated Uchiha glaring directly at me. 

"Sasuke, don't be like that," I begin, but he just stands and stalks out of the room.  I curse under my breath and look over at Gaara.  He raises an eyebrow.

"A-Are you...  okay?" He asks, seemingly genuinely concerned about Sasuke's attitude towards me.  What's Sasuke's deal?  He knows Kiba and I are just friends, nothing more.  He can't seriously have perceived Kiba's little trick as something between us. 

I inhale deeply, and exhale loudly.  "Nothing.  It's no big thing, just...  Sasuke's..." I trail off and run a hand through my untameable blonde hair.  "I-I'm going to go paint," I decide, standing and making a beeline for the aprons. 

post-paint (3pm)

"So, uh, what're your thoughts?" I question, signalling for Gaara to lend his opinion on my drawing.  He studies it for a second; the shaggy black hair, the gleaming charcoal eyes, pale skin.  "I know I messed up on the nose, and the eyes some too, but-"

"I think it looks like Sasuke."

Author's Note-sorry for another short short chapter you guys but I stg next one'll be longer.  Probably 2k words.  I've got the plot for sure now.  I know what's gonna happen to everyone hahaahahahhaahhaa, ahhaa, aha, ha, ahh.  YOU'RE ALL GOING TO HATE ME YEAAAHHHH

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