he hated me (some flashbacks)

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Hey guys,
I'm sorry to be a total pest, but I'm afraid I won't be doing a Sasuke POV. I know I have a few great, loyal, active readers that will be disappointed at this but I just am not feeling this story any more. Tbh I had no plan for this book, I'm just flying by the seat of my pants here, writing whatever comes into my head...  this story never really had any direction, and looking back at my first few chapters, I can see that showing... *cringe*

Plus, I have a lot of other good ideas for fanfics in my head, and I want to write them allll.

Don't worry, I'm not a total ass-I'll still finish what I started. Three more chapters to go, and then...
well, then it's over.

Again, I apologize profusely for this... but can promise you many more, better fanfics to come!

WARNING-Protective!Sasuke, Bully!Sasuke, Depressed!Naruto

Now, after that ridiculously long note...


four hours later


"...Give you...minute..."

"That's not...asked!"

"We can't say for sure," a deep voice intones.


I know that voice.


I blink multiple times and hiss internally at the bright light invading my deep and dreamless sleep. My eyes struggle to focus on the blurry figures arguing at the end of my bed.  A tall, built, confused-looking man with a strange goatee dressed in hospital garb and a gorgeous alabaster-skinned raven sporting a scowl slowly fade into view.  He's really here, he really came back for me, he's really... angry.

Hn.  He's wearing the infamous Uchiha glare, the one that could send Hannibal Lecter running to mommy.  Who pissed in his coffee this time?

"S-Saasu-kke," I rasp, breaking into a coughing fit not long after speaking.  Shit.  Why does it feel like someone rubbed my trachea raw with sandpaper?

The raven whips his head around, a panicked look on his face.  Almost instantaneously, he is by my side, kissing my forehead, stroking the sides of my face, running his fingers through my hair, mumbling some jumble of words to himself and to me.  His pale cheeks are red and tear-streaked, his concerned eyes frantically searching my face for the slightest hint at weariness, his dark, thin eyebrows knitted together in worry.  "Oh, N-Naruto," he chokes out.  "I-I thought I'd lost y-you, I was s-s-so scared," he stutters, caressing my face and placing a sloppy kiss on my chapped lips.  He pulls me into a tight embrace and curses himself quietly for not being here to... save me.  What is he talking about?  Other than a little dry throat, I'm perfectly-

"K-Kabuto," I wheeze.  "H-He, he did th-this, didn't he?  Th-the water, it-"

"Yes, he poisoned you," the goateed man clarifies.  "We've managed to catch him.  He's down at the station now, and is in a whole world of trouble.  You can rest assured, he will pay."

"He'd better!" Sasuke cries out, his eyes like daggers as he turns to the doctor, his arms still laying loosely around my neck.  "This is un-fucking-acceptable, you hear?" He snaps.  "He-" Sasuke points at me, his hand shaking.  Fuck, he's pissed.  "COULD HAVE DIED!"

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