fix me (flashbacks)

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BEFORE YOU READ THIS CHAPTER-Hey guys cx there's been a change... I needed some more sadness and drama for the last few chapters and therefore I've switched something around.  Instead of Iruka being K9's partner, it's Tobi (gotta love Tobi) because, well, you'll find out!  I'm sorry for being a pain.

All flashbacks will be initiated by a dash (-) and the date of the flashback (mm/dd/yyyy) with the addition of another dash (-) and ended by either the italicized (italicized) words "present day" or the start of another flashback at a different date (-mm/dd/yyyy.) This story, keep in mind, is set in March of 2016 (this month, this year) and Naruto is 19 years old, meaning he was born in 1997.

four hours later (430pm)

I glare at the doctor. "What do you mean, I have to stay another night?"

"Your blood test results for anemia came back positive, meaning we're going to give you a small blood transfusion and run a few more tests to determine the type of pills you'll need to take. Some people are allergic to the talc powder in ferrous sulfate tablets, so they get a proper dosage of iron other ways," he explains quickly. Fucking Konoha State. I want out.

"Why th-" I start, but Sasuke cuts me off.

"We understand," he deadpans. I shoot him a deadly look. The fuck? No way I'm sleeping in this bed again. I want to be back in my small, untidy dorm with an xBox controller and a cup of microwaveable beef ramen, thankyouverymuch.

"Thank you for your patience," Dr. Sarutobi says, unable to hide his relief to be rid of his annoyed patient. Whatever, dickface.

"Hey, it won't be that bad. I'll be here the whole time," Sasuke tries, wrapping a comforting arm around my shoulders and pecking my lips lightly.

"Hn," I huff, far from pleased with the test results.

"Hey, Naruto, do you have your driver's license?" Sasuke blurts.


Iruka spins around to face me, and I note the tears welling up in his eyes.  "What're you crying for?  If anyone should be crying, it's me," I state.  Oops.  Maybe the last part was unnecessary.  He smiles weakly. 

"You're right.  I apologize, it's just...  You remind me of myself at your age," he reminisces.   I roll my eyes.  Oh, god, not the whole "when I was a kid" thing all over again.  My grandmother used to do that a lot.  "Well, I'd better be going," he sighs and turns to leave.  Hey, not without answering my question you don't!

"Can you?" I ask once more, desperate for a response.  Maybe, just maybe, he can save me.

"Yes," he says, his eyes shining.  "Yes, of course." Before I can stop him, he runs across the room and scoops me up into a...  a hug?  My eyes begin to water.  "Y-You can come and live w-with me," he offers through his tears.  "I-I know you don't really h-have anyone else, and..." He trails off when he sees my own tears.  "Shhh, shh, you'll be okay," he comforts.

"Thank you," I whisper.


"'RUKA!" I yell from the top of the stairs.  "Have you seen my-" There's a tap on my shoulder and I whip my head around only to be face to smiling face with-

"Bag?  Right here," he beams, holding out my backpack.  I blink a few times.  How the heck'd he get there?  I open my mouth to speak, but before I can say anything-

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