perfect pace (some KakaTobi)

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heyoo guys here's an update for ya, eNJoY

Kakashi bites his lip, clearly anxious to hear our response to his confession. I want to assure him that I won't let slip his secret, thank him for being so understanding and open, and sneak in an inquiry about just who he's gay for, but am not sure how to put all of that into words that sound a little less crude. I mentally flounder around for a little while, yet still have no luck coming up with a suitable way to reply to my sensei. I am just about to say what I need to straight-up when Sasuke opens his mouth. "You're what?" I shake my head and look down at my shoes. Fuck, Sasuke, what're you thinking? I'm sort of confused by the way he blurted out what he did; usually I'm the conversational fuck-up. 

Kakashi simply grimaces and stands.  "Perhaps it was a mistake to share my true sexuality with you two." He ponders aloud.  "However, there's no taking it back now.  I'll let you get on with...  whatever was about to go on before I interrupted," he finishes with a forced smile. 

"K9," I call, using the nickname I invented for Kakashi when he was my 9th grade biology teacher.  "Wait," I say softly.  He stops at the door and turns to face me.  "Please, don't go," I plead, hoping my hurt friend will heed to reason. "Sasuke's confused, that's all.  You don't seem like the gay type," I lie.  I've always thought Kakashi was into guys and was just afraid of the ridicule he'd have to endure if he admitted it, though up until now I hadn't known why I'd believed such things.  "Please?"

He tilts his head to the side slightly.  "What's in it for me?" He questions slyly, cocking one eyebrow. 

I laugh.  "Ramen!"

ten minutes later

I slurp my ramen noisily, desperate to fill the heavy silence hanging over all our heads.  I scan the table; Kakashi is slowly and peacefully consuming his noodles, as though he doesn't have a care in the world, whereas Sasuke is practically inhaling his food.  Finally, Kakashi clears his throat.  "So, I bet you're both wondering who my current love interest is," he chirps.  Sasuke and I exchange puzzled looks. 

"W-What?" I stutter, feigning cluelessness.  Kakashi smiles, showing off a set of laser-whitened teeth.  It's still so strange for me to see him without over half of his face covered up by a scarf or bandana-in high school, he had always hidden the majority of his face using one of the two, or, if unavailable, a newspaper or adult novel.  Yes, he always had his nose buried in smut, even while teaching.

"Tobi," he says.

What?  Tobi Uchiha?  "K-Kakashi, you-you're in love with Tobi?  As in, MY COUSIN?" Sasuke asks, perplexed by this.  I simply blink, incredibly confused.  I had the lurking suspicion Kakashi was into men, but Tobi, Sasuke's distant cousin? A relationship between the two could never work; Kakashi hates the Uchihas. I'm surprised he's lasted this long in the same room as Sasuke.

"Yeah," Kakashi quips, clearly amused at our astonishment.  "We're together, and have been for some time."

"Hn. I guess it's not too surprising," Sasuke reasons.  I frown.  How could Sasuke realize such a thing before I could?  Huh.

"Tell me more, K9."

three bowls of ramen later

After a long chat and a trip to Ichiraku's to grab some more takeout ramen and miso-with-eggplant, Kakashi decides to head home, leaving me with Sasuke to ponder the recent events.  We curl up on the couch, this time taking care to shove the books and papers onto the floor.  "You really need to tidy up around here," Sasuke jokes playfully.  I punch him lightly on the shoulder and he snuggles up against me.  It feels strange, but it's a good kind of strange.  His warm body is pressed against me, pale arms wrapped around my back, strong hands clasped in mine; all of it feels so right.  Some would argue that we're moving too fast; Hell, I would.  Yet this pace feels perfect to me.

We don't bother turning on the TV; just lying here together, so close our bodies blend into one, is enough.  I feel his heartbeat through our clothes; not fast, afraid, like I had expected it to be, but calm and steady.

Some time later, I feel Sasuke's head rest on my back and his firm grasp loosen slightly.  Smiling, I close my eyes, exhale deeply and relish my newfound utopia.

It's so strange to have anyone act like this towards me, especially the raven-haired Uchiha snoring softly beside me. Sasuke's always been either a partial friend or total dick to me, as everyone else has, and seemingly not thought twice about it. So, why this, now? I fiercely attempt to recall any reason for this, our bodies entwined on the plush living room couch, to be right, but my mind keeps wandering to Sasuke's lips, his chest, his-

I think I may be falling in love with Sasuke Uchiha.

Okay, I know this entire chapter was super cliché, yet I sort of like it that way.  Also, I KNOW, it's only been one day, but they have been frenemies (*curses self for using that word*) for a verryy long time, so...  PFFF I'm just trying to make excuses for my awful writing skills, sorry you guys.  FML 😥 anyways love you all so much,


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