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heyoo another small chap w a lil NaruSasu shit because I ship them like no one else can ♥️♥️ also this is a v mature chap so beeeware and eNJoY


Bright yellow light invades my deep slumber and my eyes flutter open.  I yawn sleepily and roll over, expecting my nose to land on Sasuke's face or neck.  Yet where the Uchiha once slept there is only a folded blanket and a slip of paper.  Fuck.  "Sas'ke?" I call.  When there's no response, I reach for the note, my eyes struggling to focus on the small letters scrawled across it, and read-

Gone to get breakfast.  Don't freak out.  Be back soon.

I shake my head, attempting to rid myself of lingering drowsiness, and smile weakly at Sasuke's note.  Huh.  I wonder why he didn't just text me.  I look over and spot his phone, abandoned on the coffee table.  Sighing reluctantly, I haul myself off the couch and stumble to the bathroom.

twenty minutes later

"Hello," Sasuke quips, hugging me from behind (ooh, dirty) and planting a small peck on my cheek.

"H-Hey, Sas'ke," I stutter, blushing furiously.  Why do I get so tongue-tied around him?

"I brought you your fa-vor-ite," Sasuke hums cheerfully.  I laugh.  Suddenly, he grabs me by the shoulders, spins me around so we are face to face and kisses me passionately.  I smile into the kiss, savoring every last moment.  Sasuke pulls away, grins devilishly, and without warning attacks my neck.  I swallow a moan.  Sasuke, sensing my struggle to remain silent, pushes me against the counter and bites behind my ear harshly.  Before I can protest, he's stripped us both down to our boxers and is ravaging my tanned body.  I relax my muscles as he continues to suck on my nipples and rake his hands over my chest.  After a couple of seconds, however, I realize that while I don't ever want Sasuke to stop, I don't want this experience to be one-sided.

"S-Sasuke, stop, just for a-ah-ha second," I plead, and he pauses to look up at me. 

"Hn? Di-Did I-" He starts, but is cut off when I smash my lips unto his. We stagger lip-locked across the room and I slam him up against the wall. I break off the kiss and nip at his neck. He bites his lip, clearly holding back the reaction I'm desperate to witness. A strangled moan escapes Sasuke as I switch my focus to his pale built form. "Fuckk, N-Naruto," he groans in response. I begin to work my way down, twisting Sasuke's right nipple slightly and tracing his abs with my left finger. I hook my thumbs on the elastic waistband of Sasuke's underwear and pull them down to his feet, revealing his hard length, which is of surprisingly large proportion. He kicks them away from him eagerly. I look up at him earnestly, silently asking permission. He returns my gaze and nods. I take his member into my mouth and hope it comes across to Sasuke like I know what I'm doing.  Honestly, I don't.  I've never been in this situation. 

To my great relief, he lets out an encouraging moan as I suck.  I speed up and within a couple of minutes, Sasuke is screaming my name.  "N-NARUTO!" He shouts.  "I-I can't h-hold on much long-ger," he stutters.  Soon after, he releases his hot juices into my mouth.  He tastes salty and warm.  "T-That was-" he starts, but I stand and hush him with a quick kiss.

"Go get dressed," I whisper.  "And we'll have breakfast."

He shakes his head.  "What about you?" I smirk.

"You'll repay me later, trust me."

As he heads into the bathroom, I shake my head and look down at my forearms.  Oh, how I hope he didn't notice my scars.

ooOoh s m u t

naruto-*le gasp*

sasuke-yOU LITTLE-*trips over own feet, swipes air as I dodge*

me-*wiggles eyebrows* you know you love it, Sas-uke

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