lunch with a twist

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I dash out of my bedroom and rush into the kitchen to check the time.   11:50!  AGH, NARUTO, YOU IDIOT!  YOU'RE GOING TO BE LATE!   Letting out a sigh of frustration, I rush into the bathroom, hoping I look decent.   I see, to my disappointment, the same large blue eyes, slanted line of a mouth, and crazy blonde hair.   Distraught, I fumble through the cabinet drawer for a comb and attempt to flatten the wacky mess that is my hair.   Oh, forget it!   There's no use.  I exit the bathroom, grab my car keys from off the kitchen counter, ensure that my phone is in my jacket pocket, and dash out the front door.

half an hour later

I sit down next to Sasuke at the one free table in Ichiraku's, a hole-in-the-wall restaurant off 5th street with excellent ramen, my heart racing.   "H-Hello, Sasuke," I say, beaming brightly.   Sasuke nods in return, and I can't help but notice the small smile on his face.

"Hello, Naruto," he replies, pushing his raven hair out of his face and shooting me a grin.   My stomach flutters.

I clear my throat. "So, uh, what do you want to eat?" I ask, signaling the waiter, who I don't recognize, for a menu. He brings us two, as he clearly doesn't know that pretty much the only thing I eat is ramen, but I casually accept the menu and flip through it anyway.

"Um, I can't decide," he says, biting his lip. I cock my head slightly, confused at this new side of Sasuke. I've never seen him like this before; nervously smiling and glancing at me anxiously out of the corner of his eye, then blushing when we lock eyes. Sasuke is not known to blush, nor is any other Uchiha. It's adorable, but strange. "Hn, I guess I'll go with the miso with eggplant," he concludes confidently, shutting the menu and slapping it down on the table.

"Okay, sounds good," I agree. "Hey, waiter," I call out. The new waiter sidles over to our table and takes our menus. I study him as he does. He looks to be around 5'9 and, I'll admit, is incredibly attractive; short brown hair with bangs swept over his chocolate eyes. A sharp jawline, lightly tanned skin, and a fit build. To my amazement, the waiter winks at me before dropping a thick stack of napkins in the center of our table. He then saunters back to the kitchen, leaving me awestruck and confused. One dog-eared paper towel sticks out in the pile, and Sasuke reaches to rearrange it. He pulls it out and goes to lay it on top when his face suddenly contorts into a smirk, and he snickers loudly. "What?" I question, eager to know the cause of his unexpected laughter. "Sas'ke, what is it?" I lunge for the napkin, but as my fingers graze the corner, he snatches it away from me, now snorting uncontrollably. "GIMME THAT!" I shout, choosing to be oblivious to the stares of Ichiraku's customers.  After some struggle, I manage to grasp the napkin and yank it out of his clutch.

Sasuke sighs, the laughter dying. His dancing eyes settle back into their normal enigmatic state. "That waiter? He put his number down on that napkin. For you." I stare at the napkin in disbelief. I switch my focus to Sasuke who is now looking down at his feet, brows furrowed, jaw clenched. "I don't like it." He mumbles.

Huh? "Sasuke, whaddaya mean? I think it's kind of cute," I joke. He looks up, locks eyes with me for a moment, and before I can ask him again what's wrong, his soft, pale lips collide with mine.

Hey, everyone. Thanks so much for reading! Even if you don't vote, you guys have no clue how much just your views mean to me. ILY ALL SO GODDAMN MUCH


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