Idiot (Hint at NaruGaa)

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next day, Advanced English (9am)

"Gaara," Ms. Yūhi calls out.  Gaara clears his throat loudly.

"Here," he mumbles, almost inaudibly.  I look over, and we lock eyes for a moment before he shifts his gaze back to Shikamaru, who is babbling on about something to do with Kiba. 

"Inuzuka, Kiba." Kiba's head snaps up from his lap and he nods to the teacher, a wide grin plastered on his triangle-tattooed face.  Cocky bastard.  He then switches his focus back to his phone, and my own device buzzes within seconds.

New Message
Kiba Inuzuka

Duuuude, I hate this class😠

I roll my eyes at the text, sigh, and decide not to reply.

"Uzumaki, Naruto?" Ms. Yūhi questions.  I grimace. 

"Yeah, here," I mutter as my phone vibrates in my lap.  Fuck off, Kiba.

New Message
Kiba Inuzuka

Hey, what's up w you?  Still shaken up from my little prank yesterday?  You seem right pissed.  Hopefully it's at that antisocial bf of yours.  I said hello to him this morning and all he replied with was a signature 'hn.' I get a lot of those from him.  Idk if he likes me or not, XD

That's it.

New Message to
Kiba Inuzuka

Yeah, I am still mad at you for that.  It wasn't cool, Kiba, it wasn't fucking funny either, and Sasuke and I got into a huge fight about it.

I see Kiba scratch at the back of his head and bite his lip.

New Message
Kiba Inuzuka

Sorry, man.  Are you guys okay?

New Message to
Kiba Inuzuka

Yeah, we're good now.

I hesitate.

New Message to
Kiba Inuzuka

Yeah, we're good now.  Better than ever.

With that, I shut off my phone and look up to see a worried Sasuke.  "Naru, you okay?" he asks.  "You look a little-"

Before he can finish, I smile brightly and say, "I'm perfect, Sasuke.  Hey, what if we go out for lunch today?  My treat," I chirp.  I blink my cerulean eyes innocently, hoping he'll buy my act.  The truth is, I'm hella angry with Kiba, and just don't want to deal with him.

He looks a little confused, but nods.  "O-Okay, Naru, whatever you want."

after lunch at Ichiraku's (where else, haha) (1;05pm)

"...What do you think?" Huh?  I shake my head.  Sasuke appears concerned again.  "Helloo?  Earth to Uzumaki?" he teases, though I can see right through his mock cheer.  His tone is laced with worry. 

I chuckle.  "Sorry, babe, just thinking about some stuff," I manage, looking down at my muddy black Vans.  I need new shoes.

"Then let's go shopping this weekend," Sasuke offers.  Oops.  I must have said that out loud. 

"Uh, sure," I agree distantly as my phone buzzes.  I check the text ID, prepared to rip Kiba apart, only to be pleasantly surprised.

New Message

Hey, Naruto.  It's Gaara.  You know, the redhead, tattooed guy w the dragon who sat next to you in art yesterday?

I forgot that I'd given Gaara my number yesterday.

New Message to

yeah, I know XD wyd?

New Message

Nm.  Hbu?

I snap back to reality, remembering the lonely Uchiha next to me. 

New Message to

Um I gtg sorryyy.  Can I text you later?

New Message

Yeah, no prob.  See you in art, right?

I shut my phone off without giving a reply.  I feel bad, but not as bad as I do when I glance over and see a hurt-looking Sasuke next to me.  "Who's that?" He questions, a hint of envy in his voice.  Shit.  A hurt and jealous Sasuke. 

"Oh, uh, it's Gaara, you know, the redhead with the tattoo," I explain, a bit too quickly.  Sasuke's jaw clenches.

"Hn," he responds.

Ah, fuck.  Hn.  That's never a good sign.

"See, uh, I gave him my number yesterday.  In art.  We hung out." I brace myself for his reply, only to discover that it is, yes, you guessed it-


"So, what do you want to do after school today?" I question, praying some light conversation will ease the tension I've caused.

"I'm busy," he states coldly.

"D-Doing what?" I ask.  Goddamnit. 

"You know, stuff," he snips in reply, speeding up.  It's my turn to 'hn' as he, now at least twenty feet in front of me, opens the door to the school and walks in, not bothering to hold it open for me.  I rush to catch the heavy door before it closes, but don't reach it in time.  It slams shut with a 'thud', leaving me alone outside to contemplate the reason I gave Gaara my number in the first place.  Oh, Naruto, you idiot.

Hey all,
Sorry for the short chapter.  It'll be longer next time, promise.  Please vote, comment, share, thankkk youuuuu sooo muchhhh. 

Naruto-Why'd you make me into a slut?


Sasuke-yeah, and why am I such a uke?

Me-Because.  Sas-uke.

Sasuke-*rages, breaks my lamp, cusses*

Me-... okey then?

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