honestly (flashbacks)

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All flashbacks will be initiated by a dash (-) and the date of the flashback (mm/dd/yyyy) with the addition of another dash (-) and ended by either the italicized (italicized) words "present day" or the start of another flashback at a different date (-mm/dd/yyyy.) This story, keep in mind, is set in March of 2016 (this month, this year) and Naruto is 19 years old, meaning he was born in 1997.

Konoha International Hospital (7am)

An obnoxious beeping noise invades my nightmares. My eyes flutter open, and I squeeze them shut almost instantly due to the extremely bright light. I blink a few times, and force myself to keep my eyes open for a few seconds. I scan the room I'm in. Off-white walls, cream tiled floors, thousand-year-old curtains, a bedside table with a vase of flowers and a stack of magazi-

Well, fuck. I'm in a hospital.

I guess my dreams are reality after all. I survey my surroundings once more and to my delight, my eyes land on a raven-haired adolescent slumped in a shitty plastic chair to my left. I wonder if he stayed all night. He looks fucking exhausted, so it's a good thing he's resting, though how anyone could sleep with that stupid fucking beeping noise, I have no clue. What is that, anyway?


A heart monitor.

I look down at my heavily bandaged forearm and sigh, thinking back to the first time I was in the hospital for self-harm.


"...Where am I?" I ask, rolling over. These sheets are scratchy. I don't like them.

"You're in the hospital, Naruto. Your friend, Sai, brought you here," the doctor says. Oh. I know Sai. He's from school. I squint to read his name tag. Iruka Umino.

"Iruka," I comment, pointing to his name tag. He laughs. I don't know why. Nothing's funny. Nothing's really funny to me anymore.

"Yes, that's me," he agrees. "But we're not here to talk about me. We're here to talk about you. Do you know why you're here?" I nod.

"I'm here because Sasuke told me he never wanted to see me again."

present day

Ah, Sai. One of my few true friends growing up. We hung out once or twice after my first hospital visit, and soon became quite close. He and Kiba were the only real buddies I had. They stuck up for me, protected me... Sai especially. Sai wouldn't take shit from anyone, not even Sasuke. He seemed kind and quiet, but if you messed with him, he messed with you. When Sai was around, I never felt the need to cut. I just didn't want to. I wasn't being beat up, and I had two exceptional friends, so I didn't have any reason to.

Yet I knew, even then, that all good things came to an end. That's why I wasn't extremely surprised when Sai explained that he was to move 4,000 miles away.


"Naruto, this might be the last time we see each other," Sai says, his voice low. He sounds so timid. That isn't like him.

"What do you mean?" I question, confused. 

"I... We... My family wants to move to Australia.  They say I have relatives there." I blink back tears as he speaks.  Australia?  That's, what, a billion miles from here?

"You're not leaving before my birthday, are you?" I ask, faking a smile. Sai grimaces.  "Y-You are?" I stutter.  There's no answer, just awkward silence.  I shut my eyes and wish it all not to be true.  It can't be true!  I feel the prick of tears behind my eyelids.  "SAI, NO!  YOU CAN'T LEAVE!" I wail.  "I NEED YOU!  YOU CAN'T LEAVE ME HERE!  YOU CAN'T GIVE UP ON ME!" I cry out, desperately wanting my words to have some effect on his choice.  I hear Sai's parents' footsteps coming upstairs and wipe my eyes quickly.  The door swings open.

"What's going on up here?" Sai's dad bellows.  Sai says nothing, and neither do I.  I don't want to talk to Sai's stupid dad.  He always smells like alcohol and he's making Sai move.  I hate him.

"I'm afraid I'm going to have to ask you to leave, Naruto," Sai's mother states coldly.  Before I can even say a farewell to my best friend, she grabs onto my arm and marches me out of Sai's room.  I turn my head just in time to see Sai mouth "goodbye" before his father shuts the bedroom door.

30 minutes later (walk home)

When I get back to my house, I am surprised to hear the phone ringing. It never rings. I pick up, excited. "Hello? This is Naruto Uzumaki," I chime.

"Hello, Naruto, this is Asuma Sarutobi. I'm a police officer at the Konoha City Police Station. Your parents have been in an accident," he states, his voice flat and emotionless.

"W-What type of accident?" I question, panicking.

"A car accident. Another driver was in the wrong lane and your dad swerved to miss hitting their car. The car drove into a tree and unfortunately, your parents' injuries were fatal."


"...Naruto, do you know why you're here again?" I roll my eyes.

"Yeah, obviously.  I'm here because Sai's dad made him move to Australia."

"No, that's not quite it," Dr. Umino denies.  "You're here because of what you did when you got home." Oh.  That.

"Oh, you mean when I answered the phone and found out my parents were killed," I explain. "That wasn't my fault."

"I am truly sorry for your loss, but you're not there yet, Naruto."

"So? Why am I here?"

Iruka sighs.  "You're here because of how you hurt yourself.  You're not supposed to do that." I frown.

"Why not?  It's my life.  Shouldn't it be my choice to decide when to end it?" I state cleverly.  The doctor just shakes his head.

"No, you should-"

"WHY DON'T YOU PEOPLE JUST LET ME DIE?" I shout.  Jeez, this guy is pissing me off.  I wanted to die.  I want to die.  If I die, then Sasuke can't make me want to die because I'll already be dead. "I'VE HAD ABOUT ALL I CAN TAKE FROM EVERYONE ON THIS FRIGGIN' PLANET!" I yell, enraged.

"Naruto, we're going to have you stay here overnight and take some blood tests.  You lost a lot of blood yesterday.  You might be anemic.  I thought I'd let you know.  I'm going to leave now.  I have other patients to attend to." Dr. Umino stands and walks to the door.  I panic. No, he can't leave. I need him. Maybe he can help me.

"Wait!" I call out.  He pauses. 

"Go on, Naruto."

"Can you fix me?"

So super sorry for a short chapter here you guys!  NEXT WILL BE LONGER!

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