come back for me

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heya guys
fourth to last chapLIL KIDS BEWARE THIS CHAPTER HAS SMUT (≧∇≦)
also I made a cover! It's shit but ohwhale

best of love,

two hours later

"Nngh, Sasuke," I breathe. "Oh, fuc-ck, Sasuke, I-I'm going to-"

"M-Me too," he manages, ramming into my prostate again. A shock wave of pleasure washes over me as I shudder and scream Sasuke's name out once more. Sasuke thrusts into me a few more times, extending the pleasure for me and suddenly he climaxes, his body shaking vigorously as he releases his seed. I run a hand through my sex-mussed hair as he rides out his orgasm. Fuck, that was-

"Incredible," Sasuke gasps, still catching his breath. "Y-You are incredible." I laugh lightly.

"It wasn't me, it was you," I correct. "Who knew being the uke was so-"

"We should do that again when I get back," Sasuke interrupts.  Bastard.  Doesn't he realize I can't walk as it is?

"Okay, if you bring me a wheelchair," I bargain.  He scoffs.  "I'm serious!" I protest as he blows me a kiss and turns to go. I panic.  He can't leave. "Wait, Sasuke," I call out.

"Yes, Naru?"

"You're going to come back soon, right?" I ask hopefully.

His expression transforms from comical to dead-serious.  "Of course," he assures me.  Tears well up in my cerulean eyes.  He has to come back.

"Y-You better n-not be lying to me, Sasuke," I start, tears now spilling over.

He sighs, and walks over to the side of the bed.  He looks at ease.  How the fuck can he be so calm?  I'm not calm. 

I am about to dry my tears when he unexpectedly launches himself at me.  I return the embrace tentatively.  The back of my shirt is soon wet with-

No.  He can't cry.  That's not fair. 

"Oh, y-you idiot," he sobs.  I swallow the urge to cry out in agony. "Of course I'm c-coming back." I again attempt to suppress my emotions to no avail. "F-Fuck, I would n-never lie to you," he stutters. Tears are streaming down my face as well as his now.

"I-" I begin, but am cut off by a pair of soft pale lips pressing unto my own. I smile into the kiss as he pushes me harshly back onto the bed. "Ouch," I complain when he removes his mouth from mine.

He sniffs and wipes his eyes, giggling a little. "Toughen up, buttercup," he smirks upon noticing my mock-hurt expression. "What? You're not a girl. Don't expect me to treat you like one," he states simply. There's a dash of amusement in his voice as he watches my face contort in annoyance.

"Dick," I mutter.

"Yes, I know, you love it," he comments slyly. I roll my eyes.

"Fuck me," I mumble under my breath, frustrated.

"Gladly!" he exclaims and attacks my neck.

half an hour later (XD because I'm too lazy to give you all more smut)

"Okay, now I really have to go," Sasuke comments, twirling a finger around one of my short blonde locks.

*COMPLETED* don't let go (sasunaru)Where stories live. Discover now