06. best friend

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you picked her up at seven in your new jeep.

she was wearing all her marvel merch and had a big smile on her face.

but it fell when she saw who else was in the car with you.

you asked her to go to the movies with you and forgot to tell her.

her real smile vanished and was covered by a fake one.

she was smiling at her unaware of what she was feeling inside.

she knew it was too good to be true.

she got in the car and they drove off to the movies.

you were talking to her about how excited you were to see the movie.

she just nodded her head not wanting to talk anymore.

she was trying to be excited for this movie but she could really care less. she only came to hang out with you.

they got out of the car and walked in line to get tickets.

you noticed that she was silent and you tried to get her engaged in conversation.

she kept her smile on her face and even tried laughing at your bad jokes.

she decided to make the best of this friend date and made an effort to be happy.

this may not have been what she wanted but she knew that she couldn't sabatoge her first date.

when they entered the movie theatres she wanted to sit at the very top but she wanted to sit in the middle to get the best experience.

you didn't know what to do so you just followed her to the top of the rows.

she was hurt that you listened to her.

she sat by herself in the middle row and you felt a tinge of guilt.

you only came here to make her happy and you already messed up.

but you really wanted this to be a date with you and her.

you really liked her but wanted to date more until you asked her to be your girlfriend.

you were being selfish, putting your needs before those of your best friend.

you looked down at her. you didn't know what to do so you stayed with her even though she was your best friend.

but she was only your best friend.

after the movie ended you were talking to her asking if she liked the movie.

she ignored you the entire time. this meant so much to her and you basically blew it off.

she looked at you with that practiced, emotionless face.

you knew it all too well.

instead of annoying her until she gave in you left her alone.

and she felt dissapointed.

in herself and in you.

all she wanted was one on one time with you.

she felt like you didn't care for her anymore.

you had to drop her off first and when you drive up to her house she kissed you on the cheek.

your face turned red and she had to fight back the bile in her throat.

she had to admit that you were perfect for her and that you would make a cute couple.

she felt numb.

you had to drop her off next.

you even tried to grab her hand before she opened your car door but she flinched away as if your touch hurt her.

you were angry at why she was acting so weird.

she wouldn't tell you and you felt a pang of regret when you saw the tears gather in her eyes.

she wiped her face before they came spilling out and slammed your door.

you were going to follow her but thought otherwise knowing that she would just ignore you.

so you left. knowing that your best friend was crying because of you.

and even with the gut wrenching guilt you knew that she would get over it because she was your best friend, right?

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