17. best friend

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she was looking better everyday.

she could feel the weight being lifted off her shoulders.

ever since you were kids she always loved you.

she could finally experience what it was like to not be with you every moment of every day.

she didn't feel the need to look a certain way to get your attention.

she didn't feel the need to like all the things you liked.

you saw her everyday, never saying a word.

you could see that she was healing herself.

that she didn't need you anymore.

it still hurt that she was not speaking to you but you deserved everything.

you asked her out last week. she said yes.

you hung out with her everyday and felt amazing.

you really liked her and were happy that you got the guts to ask her out.

but everyday a little voice in your head was nagging you.

why did she change? she never told you why she drifting from you.

you made yourself believe that it was normal for best friends to drift apart.

but you couldn't listen to the lie anymore.

you said that you would give her space but you needed to know if it was your fault of why she started to disappear from your life.

a u t h o r s n o t e

this chapter is dedicated to givemearealsmile for being an amazing person and writing sweet comments on this story.

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