22. best friend

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she felt used. people have always used her.

and she always let them. she let them push her around like she was some play doll. they would use her until they're bored and then throw her away.

but she was used to it. she was used to people treating her like garbage.

she knew it wasn't right but she didn't know how to make it stop.

so she went on. she let people use her and then she was gone from their lives forever.

they never thought about her but she thought about them everyday single day.

she thought that all those people were her friends but they were all fake.

she never knew that her best friend would make her feel the pain all over again.

she knew that one day you would get bored of her and leave her but she didn't know it would be so soon.

you were happy with her and she hoped that she didn't ruin anything between you and her.

she would try to make her feel better but she didn't know why she was so sad.

so she ignored you for a whole week. but you finally got the guts to talk to her.

and she left. she didn't want to hear those words again.

she didn't want to hear you say that you loved her and that you didn't want to be her friend anymore.

she couldn't take another person leaving her like the rest.

this chapter is dedicated to thelovesociety for writing such amazing stories. I'm currently reading eccentric and it so good! Make sure to go check out her books.

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