24. best friend

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you were tired of her running away from you.

you needed to fix the friendship you broke before it was too late.

you waited until after school to talk to her not wanting to cause a scene.

you saw her by his car and you almost backed out.

you were afraid you would hurt her even more than you already have.

you pushed your thoughts aside as you grabbed her hand and pulled her aside.

she was tempted to lace her fingers through yours but instead pulled away.

"What do you want? I told you to stay away from me." She said.

"Please just listen to me. I know I messed up and I know that I don't deserve your friendship but I'm sorry. I'm sorry that I couldn't love you the way you wanted to be loved. I'm sorry that I fell in love with her. I'm sorry that I wasn't there for you when your uncle died. I'm sorry that I said all those mean things to you. I'm sorry for being a complete asshole. All I want it your forgiveness and I'll disappear from your life forever." You said.

she thought about it. she was tired of you two fighting. her body was physically drained of energy. she just wanted it all to end.

"why do you want my forgiveness. it's not going to change anything. it's not going to erase all those awful things you've done to me over the years. why should I let you back into my life after everything you've done. you've caused me so much pain and heartache and i'm over it. i'm done trying to get you to love me because i know that you never will. i'm done with feeling like shit whenever i see you." She said.

"i'm not asking for your friendship. all i'm asking for is your forgiveness. i won't be able to live with myself knowing that you hate my guts. just think about it. i'm sorry for breaking your heart and not treating you the way you deserve to be treated." you said as she walked away.

you may have lost her forever but at least you tried. you went back home, sulking as you thought about how lonely it was without her. how you missed hearing her laugh, or how you missed listening to her talk for hours about her favorite show.

she was worried about you. you hadn't made an effort in their new relationship and she needed to know that you still loved her.

you assured her that you were okay and that you were going to try harder.

you didn't want to be the one to tell her about the whole incident between you and her.

you didn't think it was right. plus you were afraid that she would break up with you after she heard about all the things you said to her friend.

she didn't know who else to go to so she went to his house.

she told him everything. she told him about all the things you had done in their friendship even though she forgave you every single time

she was too afraid of letting you back in her heart. if she forgave you she knew that she would run back to you like a puppy to its owner.

he told her that he would help her stay strong.

he would stay by her side no matter what she chose to do.

she hugged him as tears went down her face.

she smiled into his chest, happy that she made a new friend from all this.

and for once, she knew what she was going to do.

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