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*30 years later*

Every time he looked at his wife he couldn't help but think of how lucky he was to have the most amazing wife and friend he could've ever asked for.

Wrinkles now covered her face and gray masked her long brown waves.

Their twin daughters and three sons were all grown adults now, living their own lives.

At times she felt lonely, not having anyone to take care of but she always knew that she had him.

They had been married for quite some time now and she knew that it was the best decision she had ever made.

After highschool she was still very unsure of herself but since then she has grown into one of the most confident people he's ever known.

She was an amazing mom and was going to be an even more amazing grandma.

She thought of how funny it was that only 30 years before she though that your love was the only thing she needed.

But she was wrong.

She needed love, trust, honesty, loyalty and he gave her those things.

They were both successful entrepreneurs and their business had grown so much over the years in Boston.

Her life was complete and she couldn't be happier with it.

After you graduated college your relationship with her had gone downhill. You weren't ready for commitment and you two separated for 5 years before you found your way back to eachother.

You had how been married to her for 25 years and they were the happiest years of your life.

You never had kids but that was okay with her because you both knew that parenting didn't suit you.

You ended up becoming a teacher at the highschool you graduated from and she became an artist and even had her own boutique in LA.

You had seen to her once, about ten years after highschool.

She was visiting her family back in California and you saw her at the grocery store.

When you saw her you knew that something was different.

She wasn't the same shy girl that graduated highschool.

She was a happy woman with a pair of girl twins in her shopping cart and a smile on her face.

He was with three other boys, two of them were throwing random things in the cart and the other was in the baby basket, giggling at his brothers.

Her family looked so real, so perfect that you didn't want to ruin the moment.

You left the store as quickly as you could, making sure that she didn't see you.

But you didn't move quick enough.

You were in your car about to leave when she came running outside, a cheeseburger smile on her face.

She waved at you and you being the wimp you are just smiled, not brave enough to face her after all you had done.

There was a moment of understanding between you both when you locked eyes and you knew that she was happy.

You almost said I'm sorry but thought against it, knowing that she hated those two words.

She just smiled as a tear rolled down her cheek.

You pulled out of the parking lot, feeling a sense of relief as the guilt left your heart.

Ever since then you swore that you would make a difference with your students and you started a LGBTQA club at the school. You wanted the students to have a way of expressing how they felt, especially when they thought that no one cared.

In the end they both lived happy long lives, with handfuls of regrets and mistakes. But what mattered most was the memories they made and the happiness that made them change the world in their own small way.

a u t h o r s n o t e

So this is the little extra chapter I promised you guys since we hit 100K. I am so freaking proud of how this story turned out and can't wait for the wattys. I really hope you guys liked this chapter and another thanks to all the readers, I love all the comments you guys leave me and all the support. I love each and every one of you. Well that's it for this story. Hope you enjoyed the experience as much as I have.

- y v a n i a

best friend

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