23. best friend

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she always had a hard time making friends.

they seemed to bounce off of her like a ball.

she would have a friend and they would stay for awhile but eventually they would leave.

she felt like someone put friend repellent on her up until you came.

you met her in 3rd grade back when she was petite.

you asked her if she wanted to play uno with you during lunch.

she had a big grin on her face and said yes.

that was the first day of your friendship.

everyday you had a different game and it made her happy.

it was in 6th grade when she knew that you would be best friends forever.

you had acquired a crush on her but never told her.

she clung to you like a leech not wanting anyone to interfere with your friendship.

she didn't want you to go away like the rest. she wanted you to stay.

she slowly started depending on you. she cared more about you than she cared about herself.

when you guys hit highschool you started dating other girls.

she had to get used to someone else taking up all your time.


hen slowly you drifted apart to the point where you talked maybe once a week.

she made new friends and decided to introduce her to you.

she instantly started flirting with you and you did the same back.

she was sad the entire night but both of you didn't care.

from there on you spent every minute everyday with her.

she became your number one priority.

and she was lost in the shadow.

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