IV - can you really call this astronomy

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When I get to my astronomy class there are only five other students. Wasn't this meant to be a big school? Whatever.

"Sunita, you're late to your very first lesson," says my teacher, Miss Terry. 

"You don't know my life," I tell her. 

She says, "welcome to astronomy, where we like to aim for the stars."

There's an awkward silence for 10 minutes following her comment. And she calls herself a teacher.

"Right, so today, we're going to be looking at constellations. And tomorrow we're going to be looking at horoscopes. In fact, that's pretty much all astronomy is."

"Actually," says Lily, who sits next to me. "That's more along the lines of astrology. There's a difference.  Astronomy is largely about the planets, the moon, and things about stars that are actually true, whereas astrology is not-"

"Excuse me," interjects Miss Terry. "Who is the teacher here?"

Lily raises an eyebrow in concern. "What are your credentials?"

Suddenly, Miss Terry looks very nervous. "Right, please open your textbooks to page three hundred and ninety four. We're going to look at Orion. The most famous stars in this constellation are Betelgeuse and Rigel, but-"

I am furious. "Where are the telescopes?! Where is the dramatic tower?! Can you really call this astronomy?" I throw my textbook at Miss Terry's face and storm out the room. I'll fake apologise to her in class tomorrow.

I aimlessly wander around the corridors. After a few minutes I hear some strange noises coming from the girls' bathroom... I press my ear to the door.

"Chanting, chanting, Latin words..." I hear. Oh my goodness! It's Donna practicing her evil magic!

Footsteps come towards the door so I run down the halls and out of sight. I don't like the sound of that spell at all...

The bell rings and a swarm of literally millions of students rushes past. I guess it's time for my biology class. Why couldn't I have biology in the same period as Zac? It's not fair! Anyway, wish me luck!

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