XIV - tsunderplane

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It's only halfway through astronomy class and I already want to go to sleep. Miss Terry is telling everyone about how she's an aquarius born in the body of a pisces.

Adam and Lily are sitting in front of me and they keep passing notes to each other. How come they never give any notes to me? They must hate me. In fact, the notes are probs about me. Wow, they're such great friends. Maybe I should pass a note about them.

I rip a piece of paper out of my notebook and scribble a note down:

"Adam has done a small wee."

I fold it into a completely realistic model of a Boeing 747 and throw it at the guy next to me. It plummets to the ground, breaking its nose. And my heart.

He picks it up regardless and reads it. He rolls his eyes at me and tosses it back into the floor.

"Hey, watch it, big guy."

Whoa, that plane just talked. But I don't regret hurting it.

It flies up onto my desk.

"Ugh, thanks for building me and all, doofus." It touches me with its wing, but not on purpose or anything.

"You have a nice tail," I tell the tsunderplane. It blushes and turns away.

"Wh-what? You sicko!" it says, trying to hide its true feelings for me.

"I-I need to go!" it says. "Later, human... idiot." It turns away again, embarrassed, and flies into the interactive whiteboard, mistaking a map of the stars for the true night sky. It blushes once more and soars out the window.

Be free, tsunderplane. Be free.

"Sunita, who are you talking to?" Miss Terry asks. I don't reply and hope she forgets talking to me. She does.

She continues with her lesson. "And here's a list of ten reasons why my scorpio husband is a disgrace to his constellation..."

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