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So, when Al came and found me in the library. I was so mad and I offered to pulverize Jamie for her but she said it wasn't a good idea. We went and sat in the middle of the Quidditch pitch and I led on my back staring up at the warm sun. I pulled off my jacket I was wearing so that I was now only wearing my light blue lacy tank top, my black skinny jeans and my white allstar converse. I pulled my hair up into a ponytail and said softly "I hate boys" She laughed "I agree - especially cocky Gryffindor boys" That made me laugh. I looked over at her and smiled. "I think i'm just going to ignore James from now on? What do you think?" I sighed "I have no clue AllieBear....I think maybe he'll get the message that he can't be a player" She nodded and said "yeah that's what I was thinking but I wasn't sure..." I sat up and pulled her into a bone crushing hug. She let out a shout of surprise. A few hours later, we headed back into the great hall for dinner. I sat down next to Teddy and yawned. He laughed and gave me a side hug. "Hey B! You tired or something?" I shook my head as I stuffed my mouth with food "Or something" He laughed and we continued to joke and talk. As soon as we got to the common room, I went to my room and crashed.

It had been about a week and me and Scorpius had become alot closer! I was so happy, but Al was still ignoring Jamie. I grabbed my books and headed up to the library because I was meeting Scorpius so we could study together. When I got there, I walked all the way to the far, back corner and saw a familiar blonde head bent over a book and scribbling fiercly in a notebook. I smiled to myself and walked over. I pulled up a chair and Scorpius looked up. "Hey B" He smiled brightly. He had been so happy lately. I grinned at him "Hey Scorpius!" And with that we studied. After about an hour - everything started to distract me. I buried my face in my transfiguration book, frowning. I bit my lip but Scorpius was tapping his pencil on the table. I glanced up and saw Scorpius looking straight at me with an odd look on his face "you okay Scor?" He frowned and leaned towards me "Not at all B!" He was so close that I could feel his warm breath dancing across my face. "I have something on my mind..." I frowned "What is it?"

"you" I felt my eyes widen slightly. My heartbeat picked up as he moved closer and suddenly his lips were on mine. I couldn't help but kiss back. He put his hands on my hips and I ran my hands through his hair. We both pulled away at the same time and I stared into his icy blue eyes and tried to even out my breathing. His cheeks were flushed. "Beth...I like you alot" I smiled "I like you too, Scorpius." He frowned. "But, Beth - If we're together...we can't tell anyone - okay?" I pulled further away. "Why not?" That hurt. Was he embarrassed of me? Was I not good enough for him and his stupid friends? "If - If my parents found out...they would kill me!" I glared and spat out "This isn't about your parents! It's about you being a coward! I understand that your afraid and I know why but...I'm not going to be snuck around like some filthy whore that your embarrassed of!" Yes, he told me a few days ago about his mom being abusive and how his dad doesn't do anything about it because he's a coward. My heart ached for him. But this wasn't fair to me. I looked back up and saw tears in his eyes. He reached for my hand but I yanked it back out of reach. "You can't do this Scorpius. you just can't okay?" I looked at the table and started grabbing my stuff and shoving it into my book bag. "Beth! Please! Don't - Please?" I shook my head. "I'm not a toy that you can keep to yourself. It doesn't even make sense that you like me! I'm a loser Hufflepuff - I know that's why this would have to be 'Our little secret' right? Because your a big bad Slytherin and anyone from another house isn't worth your time!" The tears spilled down his face now. I needed to cry. I could feel the tears coming on but I couldn't and would not cry in front of him. I just wouldn't. "B! Please!" I didn't even look back as I snapped "Fuck Off Scorpius" and with that I stormed out of the library. I could feel my vision blurring as I walked down the corridors tryinf to get out of the castle. I managed to find my way to the great hall which just so happened to be filled to the brim with students. "fuck" I swore under my breath as I tried to weave my way through the crowd. Just as I reached the front door I heard someone call my name "Bethy!!!" I slipped out the door, pretending that I didn't hear. I felt a hand close around my wrist. I whipped 'round and yanked my arm away from a very concerned Teddy. Allie was close behind me. I shook my head and turned and all but ran down the path to the empty Quidditch pitch. I sat down in the middle of the pitch and let myself cry - harder than I had ever cried in my life. I rubbed my hands over my face as if it would stop the disappointment and sadness and anger that was boiling up inside. I heard running footsteps and suddenly standing before me was Teddy and Al "Told yah she would be here!" I just frowned and continued to cry. They both sat on either side of me. Teddy put his arm around my waist and Al slung her arm around my shoulder and leaned her head against mine. "what's happened?" and soon I had managed to sob out the story to them. Teddy look downright furious but all Al did was hug me tighter. "I'll kill him!" Shouted Teddy as he stood up and paced.

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