The attack

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Today was sunday and it was also the tryouts for the Hufflepuff qudditch team. Teddy was officially team captain this year! He asked us if we could come watch the tryouts and help him decide who he wanted on the team later that night and Al and I both agreed. So here we are, sitting in the stands and watching the kids moving around down on the grass of the pitch. Al and I were going to check out some boys and rank their cuteness ( It sounds shallow but we don't take it to seriously and we don't tell anyone about it so whatever) I sighed with impatience as the first few kids soared into the air on their brooms. "Look!" Al pointed "There's Teddy! He gets a ten" She said jokingly as she waved to him. "Oh yeah" I giggled and waved to him. 

About and hour into the tryouts I felt myself jolt. Muscle spasm much? I looked at Al in confusion just as I jolted again and she did the same. The tryouts were still going on and no one had noticed anything strange, so I settled back on the bench and tried to focus on the players when I heard a deafening roar. I grabbed Al's hand, jumped up - pulling her to her feet and whipped my head every which way trying to find the source of the noise. I screamed as my eyes landed on the large, scaly and fierce looking creature flying straight for us. Al stumbled and almost fell out of the stands but I caught her and started pulling her to the stairs "COME ON" I shrieked. By now all of the players had stopped and were staring - we got to the stairs just before the dragon crashed through. The splinter wood had caught fire and was raining down on us. Al pulled me down and we tried our best to cover each other from the wood falling on top of us. Al jumped and ran - trying to get a good shot with some of her spells, but she couldn't find time between dodging blasts of fire and and pieces of shattered wood. The dragon lunged and she backed away in vain and the dragons claw had snapped out in the ten seconds it took for me to get to her and hit her hand, causing her to crash across the stands and fall out of the stands and plummet toward the ground "ALLLLL!!!!!" I screamed her name in horror. Teddy darted down to her fallen body and laid her farther away on the grass of the pitch and was suddenly up in the air before I could even register what was going on he shouted at me to move. I darted to the right just in time to avoid being cut in half by the dragons sharp claws that were now fully extended. Al had fallen. She could be dead. I took a deep angry breath and shouted in anger "YOU DUMB FUCKING DRAGON" I jumped to my feet - away from where I hade been crouching between two of the benches and ran at the dragons with all the speed and energy I had left in me. I stopped about 3 centimetres away and pointed my wand at it's eye - I had come at him from the side so he couldn't see - I knew that behind and the sides were a dragons weak spot from care of magical creatures class. "INCENDIO" The dragon roared in pain as his eye went bright red as if on fire and started thrashing around in pain. I ducked as it's spiky tail came soaring towards my face. I kept sending spells at it every chance I got. I dodged but I felt my foot get caught on a splintered piece of wood and felt something snap painfully. I screamed and crashed to the ground, grabbing my foot in pain. I heard a whooshing noise and suddenly I wasn't curled up on the bleachers hiding from the dragon anymore. I was on a broom and a warm muscular chest was pressed to mine and a pair of strong, muscled arms were wrapped around me protectively as we flew to the ground. We landed safely as the prfessors all ran past and mounted brooms given to them by the students. I tried to walk to where Al was laying unconcious and stumbled and shouted in pain as white hot agony roared up my foot, ankle and calf. I fell to the ground and felt tears splashing down my face. I heard a worried but still calm voice in my ear as a pair of warm lips brushed my ear "Shh. Calm down - Madame Pomfrey is with Al. Says Al will be fine. Stay put - I think you broke some bones or at least sprained something" My gaze flashed up to look into Hugo's calm face framed by his usually perfectly styled buddy holly hair was all wild and astray. I frowned "Hugo! how did you know i was hurt?" He chuckled "I was coming out here to see how the tryouts were going and I heard screaming and that bloody thing" He waved vaguely in the dragons direction "And I saw Al on the ground with Teddy and Teddy was crying and he told me to go up there and get you because he was scared and you were facing a dragon ALONE and he would've come to get you but he couldn't leave by herself until Madame Pomfrey arrived" I nodded slowly taking his explanation in before pulling him into a great big hug and kissing him full on the mouth. I pulled back and looked up unsurley "Thanks Hugo" He smiled and nodded and stayed with me until Madame Pomfrey came over and he even carried me to the infirmary and held my hand while she set a splint. Where was Teddy? why hadn't he come to see me? I was kind of hurt and I needed to see Al - to talk to her. I kept replaying in my mind that moment where she cracked her head repeatedly off the bleachers and dropped like a stone towards the ground. Bloody Hell.

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