First Day - Beth's POV

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The next morning when I woke up - I still felt annoyed at the look Scorpius had given me. Whatever, I got out of bed and got dressed in the uniform; A short, pleated gray skirt, a white blouse, a gray sweater  vest and a black and yellow tie. I grabbed my black toms, slipped them on and grabbed my bag as I headed for the door to go to the common room. I looked around and said hi to a couple of kids I talked to last night at dinner. A couple kids stared at me when I went by. I ignored that. I looked around and saw the familiar sandy blonde hair with the patch of bubblegum pink. Last night, Teddy and I had stayed up late in the common room - just talking! I had asked him about the pink in his hair and he said he was an Animagus! which was cool cause I had never met one before! He also said that the pink was because his mother was an Animagus as well and she always had her hair colored bubblegum pink - before she died in the battle of Hogarts. He looked upset, so I took a risk by pulling him into a hug. He hugged back and thanked me. "Hey Beth! How did you sleep?" That snapped me out of my flashback. "Oh, I slept like un Bebe" He looked confused for a second "Like a baby" I said giggling. He laughed and grabbed my hand "C'mon Frenchie!" And I allowed him to pull me out of the common room and to the great hall. We were still laughing and joking when we walked in - he was also still holding my hand. Scorpius walked up to us. I immediatley dropped Teddy's hand and blushed. Teddy looked at me with confusion. "Hey, Teddy - can I, um talk to you for a second?" Scorpius asked quietly "Uh, sure I guess - Frenchie - save me a seat yeah?" I nodded and watched as they walked out in the entrance hall. I turned and ran straught into Aliria. I swore under my breath in French. Aliria laughed. "I'm sorry! Je tres maladroit" She thought for a second and then said "Your really clumsy? I doubt that!" I must have looked surprised because she laughed and said "Back when I lived in the orphanage they taught us how to speak French!" I smiled at her. Orphanage? Was she really an orphan or? No nevermind. We talked for a few more minutes before I felt a hand on my back. "Hey Frenchie" I turned "Bonjour Teddy" He laughed and then looked at Aliria and said "And whose this?" With a friendly smile. "Zis is Aliria" I didn't feel like saying it like a Brit would - after all I am not a Brit. He smiled at her and held out a hand "I'm Teddy Lupin - Potter" They shook hands and I felt that feeling - you know! The know when you feel like you are being watched? yep. After a bit, we went to our separate tables to eat. Halfway through breakfast - A tall man with dark hair and dark eyes cam up to us, holding a stack of papers. "Hey Uncle Ne-" Teddy started, but then corrected himself "Hey Professor Longbottom!" The professor smiled at him "Hello Mr. Lupin" He handed Teddy a sheet and then turned to me and held out a hand. I shook it. "Hello Ms. Singer - I am the Hufflepuff Head of House! My name is Professor Longbottom and if you have any questions come see me, okay?" I nodded as he pulled out a sheet of paper with my name on it and handed it to me "Your class schedule" I smiled "Merci, monsieur" He nodded and walked off. "He is nice" I said to Teddy "Yeah, he's the best Proffesor here! he teaches Herbology." My eyes widened "Zat is my favorite class!" He chuckled. "Here - let's see if we have any classes together" We looked at our schedules and saw that we had DaDa (Defense Against The Dark Arts) together - as well as Potions and Care Of Magical Creatures! This was going to be a fun year!I looked around the room and saw Scorpius glare at me and walk out of the Great hall. What the hell?

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