Chapter 4- Detention

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It's now late, and we have school tomorrow. Of course, I'm staying at Brendon's again. We've practically been inseparable.

I cuddle him close, in his large comfortable bed. My head is laying in the crook of his neck, my hand over his heart. His muscular arms are wrapped around me, holding me tight. His body language is always so protective. It's as if he's scared I'm going to run away from him. Like that would ever happen. I love him. These are the last thoughts I have before drifting to sleep.

I awake to the sound of Brendon groaning, and I hear the buzz of his alarm. He stirs, and the sound is gone. "Wake up, kitten." Brendon whispers to me, in his husky morning voice before planting a kiss on my forehead. I feel my lips curl into a smile, a faint blush appearing on my cheeks. I then arch my back, stretching my arms and legs letting out a soft moan before sitting up.

Brendon watches me with a smirk. "What?" I laugh, still tired. "Just enjoying the show." He says with a laugh. I guess he's referring to seeing me arch my almost bare ass, as I slept in only my thong. "Oh really? Well, I could show you more if you'd like." I say, now straddling him. I bite my lip as I run my fingers over his collar bones. "Not now, kitten. We have school, remember?" Brendon asks in a teasing tone. "But, but.. Dadddyyyyy." I say in an exaggerated tone. His eyes flicker to my chest as he bites his lip. "Daddy has a surprise for you when we get home, darling. I promise." He says, his hands on my thighs. I kiss him quickly, before getting up to get dressed.

I enter his closet, or should I say our closet? Since he put a ton of my stuff in here. I scan the racks, settling on a tight, long sleeve deep maroon colored shirt. I pair it with a flowly black skirt, that ends about mid thigh. Once I'm done, I enter the bathroom to brush my teeth and hair. Brendon walks passed me, without saying a word. I get the faint scent of mint off him, signaling he's just brushed his teeth. Once I'm done with my routine; brush hair, brush teeth, a dab of mascara, I meet Brendon down stairs.

He eyes me up and down, leaned against the kitchen counter sipping from his coffee mug. As I greet him, he hands me a cup as well. I take a few gulps before sitting, it down and Brendon is still silent. He finally sets down his now empty mug, adjusting his glasses. "Turn around." He says, and I do as told. "Now, Bend over." He commands, and I obey once again. I then feel him behind me, his hands wandering my ass gently. "Do you think this is too short, doll?" He asks, gesturing to my skirt. "No." I answer in a shakey tone, because I'm loving the way his hands are massaging my ass.

"You can stand up now." He says with a laugh. I do so, and turn to face him as he bites his lip yet again. He peers down at me through his glasses playfully. I smirk, as he kisses me hard. We become heated, as his hands return to my ass yet again. We break, panting for air. "We should take our own cars, so no one says anything." He says, leaving small kisses on my neck. "Okay, my love." I say back, clearly all hot and bothered. "We'll pick this up after school." He whispers into my ear, nibbling lightly.

And just like that he walks out.
I groan audibly, before grabbing a sucker from my bag and placing it in my mouth, walking outside. I then make sure the door is locked. As I get into my car, I notice Brendon's is already gone. At least we won't arrive to school at the same time.

Classes seem to go on forever, but don't they always? To top it all off, in science class Mrs.Bran decided to give us all packets for homework. She wants us to use punnet squars to predict traits for all of these "families" she's made up, and following up with definitions. I usually never do homework, because I have study hall first period. I can just do the homework then, but not this. The packets too thick, plus I already have algebra to do in homeroom tomorrow. If all else fails, I make it a point to do my algebra in study hall. There's this kid in there that has a paralyzing crush on me. I'd never give him the time of day, but he does do my homework when I ask him for "help" - I'm cut out of my thoughts by Mr.Doss snapping his fingers in front of my face. "Nicole, I've had it with you spacing out. Detention, tonight!"

Oh no, I had 10 minutes till Brendon's class and I JUST HAD TO GET DETENTION. Fuck this old pervert. No one else is paying attention in his fucking class. As the bell rings, I'm happy to enter Brendons classroom. But that happiness is short lived. I don't want him to be mad at me. Ugh.

Brendon doesn't make me do work anymore. He just gives me good grades. I'm thankful for that. I've been doing my usual admiring of his features, but not as intently as usual. I look down at my desk, my head proped up by my hand as I feel guilty. I can't have him mad at me. My eyes feel almost watery. The bell rings, and everyone leaves. I gulp, oh god. Here we go.

Brendon locks the door before sitting on his desk, "baby, come here." He says in a soothing tone. I walk over to him, my head down, holding my books as he wraps his arms around me. I lean into him as I sit next to him. "What's wrong, baby?" He asks softly, rubbing my arm. "I.. I got a detention with Mr.Doss. I don't want you to be upset with me." I say, nesting my head into his chest. He chuckles lightly, "baby, don't worry. I'm not upset. I can get you out of it." He says. I remain silent. "Why'd he give it to you anyways?" Brendon asks.
"Zoning out, but if you ask me it's because he's a pervert. Everyday he picks another girl to have a detention with. Never a boy." I finish.

"Well, he's not having a detention with my girl." Brendon says, kissing my head lightly. He then stands, getting up and walking towards the door. "Where are you going?" I ask, still sat at the desk. Brendon turns to me with a warm smile, "I'm gonna explain that you can't have detention because you're being tutored." He says. I smile and run towards him. I jump on him with a squeak, kissing him as I wrap my legs around him. He kisses back passionately, and pins me to the wall beside the door. I moan into the kiss as he presses himself close to me. He then pulls away, and runs his thumb over my lower lip as I look deeply into his eyes.

"You can drive home, baby. I'll be home shortly." He says, kissing me again, before reaching in his pocket and grabbing a key, handing it to me. His house key.
One last peck, and he's out the door.

I smile to myself. When he told me to go 'home' he was referring to his house. How adorable?
When I arrive at the house, I throw my bags down and search the fridge for a beer. Ahh, here we are. I use my mouth to open the bottle, before taking a swig.
My phone then rings, Brendon's name showing.

"Hey." I answer.
"Hey, baby! I got the detention taken care of. Guy is a real perv." He says with a scoff, "anyways, I gotta go into town to pick up a few things. Need anything?" He asks.
"No, I'm fine. But I do want to cook you dinner. Any requests?" I ask sipping my beer.
"Surprise me, doll." He answers, I can practically hear the smile in his voice.
"You got it, see you then." I say with a smirk and hang up.

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