Chapter 10- Sarah?

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I wake to find it's still very dark outside. Carefully unlatching myself from Brendon, who's in a deep sleep, I stumble over to my phone to check the time. 3:21 a.m. I groan as I pick up Brendon's shirt, which is lying on the ground from being discarded earlier. Only bothering to fasten a couple of the buttons, seeing as no one will be seeing me anyways.

Sleepily I stagger to Brendon's wine cabinet to help myself. Ew..Ew..Ew...Gotcha! I say as I search through for the brand I like. Once the cork is popped, I take a long gulp, throwing my head back as I do so. 'Hmm.. What to do? Brendon's asleep.. I'm sure there's nothing good on T.V... I don't think he'd particularly mind me going in his studio room? Would he? Eh, I won't touch anything' I think to myself before deciding to go ahead.

I could never get over the signed Frank Sinatra vinyl he had framed on the wall. As I admire all the hanging albums on his wall, I notice a large cardboard box in the corner. Sitting on the floor beside of the box, I search for a label on the outside. Nothing. Just plain ol' cardboard. Ugh, I'm curious.. Just a peek? I'll put it right back where it was. Deciding in my head, I then open it. wait.. Photo albums. Even some loose polariods.

Grabbing the first that comes to my eye, I pull out one of the loose Polaroids. A girl, a beautiful girl. Her hair is short and black, and she's leant against a gate with an amusement park ride behind it, while wearing a hat with mickey ears. Disney land? I smile to myself looking at the photo. She looks so happy.

The next I grab is a photo album. Turning through the pages I see it's completely filled with pictures of the same girl. Until I find one of her and Brendon. They're on a couch, her sitting in Brendon's lap with her head crooked into his neck while she smiles. Except, her hair is longer in this one. As much as I'd like to be jealous, I can't be. They look so happy together. As I go on I see more and more of them doing fun things together, some just laid around a house, and some with other people who I'd presume to be friends or family.

Finally, I decide to pick up the last photo album in this box. It's white with a delicate lace, wrapped in a sheer blue ribbon. The first page reading "Sarah and Brendon's Wedding"
Wedding? What? I scan the pages to see photos of an extravagant wedding. I find myself oddly giggling to myself, as I see the silly photo booth pictures her and Brendon took. They both look so happy. As I keep flipping, I notice that this photo album abruptly ends. That's it.. There is tons of empty pages. I sigh to myself, before being interrupted by Brendon clearing his throat which causes me to jump.

I look towards the room's entrance to see Brendon in a pair of sweatpants, leant against it. His eyes then notice what exactly I'm doing, and it changes to an unrecognizable emotion. He then without a word, turns and leaves the room. Feeling guilt in the bottom of my stomach, I then place everything back exactly how it was. Why would you go through his PERSONAL stuff? I scold myself internally.

"Brendon?" I call as I exit the room. "Brendon?" I then see a light from the back patio, noticing it's Brendon with a lit cigarette. He's laying on one of the benches by the pool, looking up at the sky. I quietly exit the sliding glass door, before walking up to Brendon. "Bren?" I whisper, barely audible. He then directs his gaze towards me, with a soft look in his eyes. "Come here, doll." He says, holding out an arm for me. I then sit his lap and lean into his chest -much like Sarah was doing in one of the pictures. I stay silent in his arms as he draws and exhales the cigarette.

He then let's out a long sigh. "I didn't tell you that I was previously married.. And that was wrong of me." He admits. "She was the one who left you recently? The one who cheated on you?" I ask, feeling confused since seeing how happy they were. He then scoffs, "No, Oh god no! The girl who left me was a complete slut.. Nothing like Sarah."
"Well then, what happened? You guys looked so happy." I ask. He then smiles, but its bittersweet more than anything. He looks up before talking, as if he's reminiscing in his head. "We were." He says with a light laugh before continuing, "After our wedding.. Two weeks to be exact. She uh, She was driving back from visiting her mom. A drunk.." He then stops mid sentence to rub his face. "A drunk driver hit her car. She.. She's.." He stutters before looking a complete mess.

"Shh." I comfort, tracing shapes on his mid drift for some form of comfort. "You don't have to finish. I understand." I finish. He then looks down at me thankfully, kissing the top of my head. I giggle lightly. "She's beautiful you know. I couldn't bring myself to get jealous, seeing how gorgeous and happy she was." I say. He rubs my arm lightly, "Yeah. She was."
"She still is." I correct him. "Is? You're saying it as if she's still here." He asks. I smile up at him brightly, "She is still here. I know she is. She's always with you, in your memory and in your heart." I finish. He then smiles down at me lovingly.

"You know, you're the only girl who's ever made me feel better about it. I mean, hell.. Sometimes I even completely forget about it. All the pain it caused me. You remind me so much of her." He says. I giggle at the last part "I can only hope to. In those pictures she looked so loving."
Brendon then squeezes me tighter against him. "You have no idea how lucky I am to have you." He mumbles into my hair.

I then get off of him, and reach out my hand for him to grab. "Come on, let's go to bed. I'm not getting bitten by bugs." I laugh. He then gets up and begins walking with me, before unexpectedly picking me up bridal style. "Stop!" I giggle, but he only chuckles as he carries me to our bed to continue sleeping.

Okay, so I really adore Sarah and couldn't bring myself to make her bitch in this so here you go.

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