Chapter 16- I hate sleeping alone

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The first night is always the hardest, right? Sleeping alone was awful. I guess you never realize how dependant you've become on someone's presence, until they aren't around. I hadn't realized before going to sleep, I forgot to set an alarm. I was nearly an hour late to school, and Brendon still hadn't called me. Presumably due to the time difference. Maybe he just forgot? Maybe he just was so tired he fell right asleep? But maybe... Maybe something bad happened... I stopped myself from the thought, shaking my head. It nearly made me sick to think of something that awful. Just wait, he will call.

It was putting me on edge to say the least. Sitting at lunch, by myself of course. I decided to read as always. Once I heard my phone rang it made me jump, "Bren 💘 is calling" my phone read. I hurriedly placed my book down, answering my phone.

"Hey, doll." Brendon greeted with his 'just woke up voice'.
"How was your flight?" I ask, ignoring the urge to frantically ask 'why didn't you call me sooner?!'.
"It was fine, I didn't want to wake you up by calling."
"Bren, how'd you expect me to get any sleep without knowing you were okay?" I laugh lightly.
He then gives a soft, rough laugh. "I'm going into the office soon, and afterwards I have to look at a few places." Brendon says, his voice now clear.
"Okay, have a good day. I love you!"
"I love you too, babygirl." Brendon replies, before I end the call.

"Who'd ever guess she'd have a boyfriend?" I hear someone comment in a whisper. Turning, I find the voice coming from the two girls who commented on Brendon that one day. "Hey, can we sit with you?" The taller one, Nancy asks. Do they really not realize that I heard them?

"I..uhm...sure." I say, but they're already seated before I even finish. "Oh my gosh, I loved this movie!" Says Alli, looking at my copy of The Devil Wears Prada. "Really? The movie is great! But I prefer the book." I reply sweetly. "I just don't have the patience for reading." Alli adds with a giggle.
Nancy then clears her throat, "We heard you on the phone. You have a boyfriend?" She says questioningly.

"Yeah, he's in New York right now." I reply. "I knew that Joe was lying when he told every one you were dating Mr.Urie!" Nancy says, as we all laugh. If only you knew. "So what's his name?" Alli asks, smiling brightly. I guess if I had to describe her, she looks really dumb but I don't think that's the actual case. Nancy, well... She's the typical girl you'd see.

"Uh.. Boyd." I reply, using Brendons middle name. "That's cool, I like it." She replies, earning a smile from me. "So, do you guys have boyfriends?" I ask politely. This question earns a sigh from Alli, and Nancy rolling her eyes dramatically. "What's wrong?" I ask.

"Nancy has been on and off again with Kit for the past three months. They're off now." Alli says as Nancy nods. "He just NEVER listens. Yes, he's nice to look at but there's NO depth there." Nancy finishes with a sigh. "Everytime I even go on a date with a guy, all they want to do is fuck." Alli finishes with a shrug.

"Anyways," Nancy says shaking her head, "You want to go with us to a party later?"
"Oh, uhm, I don't know guys..." I say timidly. "Come on, it'll be the last big highschool party!" Alli cheers. "Plus, your boyfriend is in New York." Nancy smirks.


"You look so great, don't be all shy." Nancy laughs, hitting me on my back way too hard for my liking. We were just arriving at the party. I decided I had nothing else to do, and besides I had never went to any parties in highschool.

We met at Nancy's house and I was wearing a longish flowy skirt and white tee, paired with a black cardigan. It practically made her and Alli dry heave. They then decided on playing "dress up" with me. They decided on black tank top with a scrappy back, and a dark red high waisted skirt. The skirt did seem a bit too short for my liking, well for a highschool party atleast. I was no stranger to dressig sexy, but I assumed we'd dress more casual to a place where there were nothing but highschoolers. My heels clicked on the floor as we entered the party.

My eyes looked around the room, noticing a few guys starting at me by the counters. Everyone seemed to be drinking, and talking. Nothing too crazy. This should be fine. "Let's do a shot!" Alli said, grabbing my hand excitedly. Nancy then gave us both a glance before returning her eyes to the guy across the room, her on and off ex. "You guys go ahead, I've got some unfinished buisness." Nancy smirked, then walking in the direction of her ex.

Alli then rolled her eyes aggravatedly, guiding me to the kitchen. On the tables were ready made vodka and sprites in red plastic cups, and we grabbed two. The guy making the drinks and distributing them being one of the more popular kids from our school.

Alli then sat on the counter as she began drinking, and I followed suit. Taking a sip of my drink, I then reached for my phone which was stuck in the side of my healed boot. As I did this, a guy came up and was talking to Alli. "Ugh." I groaned. Still no call from Bren. Seeing this I then downed the rest of my drink. The guy who was talking to Alli noticed, grabbing another drink from the table and handing it to me. "Thanks." I mumbled.

"What happened?" Alli asked.
"Nothing.. it's just Bre-" luckily I cut myself off. "Boyd. It's just he hasn't called me or anything. He was supposed to check in." I sighed. Now sipping from my second mixed vodka. "Dont worry, we're gonna have fun." Alli said, placing a hand on my back. "Sounds like he's ignoring you." The guy spoke up.

"Who are you?" I blurted out, annoyed. "Max. I'm in your English class." He spoke. Of course he'd be from my english. I never notice anyone but Brendon. "Right." I mumble. "Loosen up! It's a party." He laughed.

We then turned as we heard a scream. Following the voices, people were now jumping in a large in ground pool. "Wanna get in?!" Alli said excitedly. " I don't feel good." I said as a I started to feel hot and dizzy. Alli's face then turned worried as she became my only support, leading me to sit underneath one of the trees with her.


Alli's POV:

Finally dragging Nicole to my car I placed her in the backseat. She felt cold, yet was sweating an insane amount. She was mumbling as she felt lifeless, laying down in the back seat.
"Dont, don't worry! I'm going to take care of you." I told her bed or shutting the door.

I could feel my heart beating out of my chest as I began driving towards the hospital. She can't die.

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