Chapter 13: Can't Help Falling In Love

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Walking through the hallways of school it seemed like prom posters were everywhere. A huge banner hanging above the main hall, along with papers taped on the walls with the date and time. For the passed few weeks I'd heard mostly girls mention it, but today it seemed to be much worse. Prom is next week, and everyone is getting their "Prom-posals"? I think that's what they call it at least. It's basically just people thinking of different cutesy ways to ask someone to prom. In my opinion, Prom is definitely overrated. People spend insane amounts of money on a dress to wear for one night, not even including the hair and makeup. Yes, I do understand how it could have sentimental value, but I couldn't see myself doing.

However, the tiniest smidge of me did want to go, but I had pushed that thought aside. Obviously Bren is my teacher, and he couldn't go with me. It would ruin my night to go with anyone else, and I don't have any friends to go with.

I enter Brendon's class as usual, taking my seat and waiting for him to begin our lessons. I don't have to do the work in his class, or even listen for that matter, due to Brendon being such a softy. Still, I pay attention to every word he says. It's hard not to, being so captivated by him. Mr.Urie then clears his throat before he starts to speak.
"We do have our finals coming up next week, so even though you all are concerned with prom, I do need you all to focus. This packet has questions over everything you guys have learned this year. Spend the rest of this class answering the questions, what you don't get done will be homework. We'll go over them tomorrow and it will be your study guide." He says, holding a thick packet of papers. He then lays the stack on my desk, so I take one for myself and pass the stack to the person beside me.


Once Brendon and I arrive home, we begin unpacking my stuff. Thankfully, Brendon's closet was big enough for all of my clothes. I suggested I could place them in one of the spare bedrooms, but he insisted on me sharing one with him. "Where should we put all these?" I ask with a laugh, gesturing towards all of my stuffed animals. "Do you want to put them on the spare bed? Or ours?" He asks with a laugh. "Spare." I decide. Brendon them helps me arrange all of them on the bed, making them almost fill it entirely.

"Now we're done packing!" I squeal, placing down the last beige teddy bear. I then look to see Brendon sitting on the floor with his back to the wall, running a hand through his messy hair with a smile, looking at me. "What?" I ask followed by a giggle. He then gives me a small laugh, "Nothing." I then sit down beside him, resting my head on his shoulder. "You wanna go somewhere?" He asks seemingly out of the blue. "Uh, sure." I respond, a little caught off guard. "Where are we going?" I ask, as he pulls me up to go to the car with him. "It's a surprise. You'll see."


"Keep 'em closed!" Brendon tells me as he drives. Earlier he stopped to get us burgers, fries, and soda's from a drive through; but that's the only clue I've gotten as to where he's taking me. Soon, I feel the car stop. I feel Brendon exit his side of the car, as he then opens my side and takes my hand. "You better not be peeking!" He says with a laugh. "I'm not, I promise!" I mutter out between my giggles. "Stay here." Bren tells me, after helping me to sit down on a metallic surface. Once I hear the car door shut, and the ruffling of the foods bags, he tells me I can open my eyes finally. I look to see we are sitting on the hood of his car. In front of me is a big lake, sparkling as the moon reflects off of the light. "Wow.." I say in awe at the view before me. "You like it?" Brendon asks hhjh, almost timidly. I turn to him with a smile plastered on my face, "I love it."

"I hoped you would." He says with a laugh, popping a fry into his mouth. As we eat, we laugh at stories from our past. At one point he asked me if I was going to go to prom, to which I replied no. He tried to convince me to go even if it's just with friends, but I couldn't be persuaded. He then went on to tell me a story about him losing a bet to a guy in a chiffon skirt. As we finished our food, Brendon ended up getting a blanket out of his trunk and placing it over our bodies as we cuddled.

"That's the big dipper, and that's the little dipper." Brendon says, as he points to the constellations. I laugh lightly, "The only one I can always make out is Orians belt. It's my favorite." I finish, as Brendon then grabs my hand under the cover to hold. "Doesn't it ever make you wonder?" I ask, engulfed in the constellations above me. "Wonder about what?" Brendon asks, as his thumb traces across the back of my hand. "You know, What we're doing here. What this is all about. There's so much more out there." I respond.

I then feel Brendon begin playing with my hair lightly, "You never cease to amaze me."
I smile lightly. "They're all so beautiful." I add, staring upon the millions of stars above me.
"And I've got the most beautiful one right here." Brendon whispers, barely audible. I turn to face him as he stares at me with nothing short of wonderment in his eyes. He really does love me.

His hand then moves to cup the side of my face gently, as he slowly goes in to kiss me. At first it's the lightest of kisses, but I put force into it which Brendon matches. I feel my heart do flips at the feeling of passion flowing from him to me. Brendon then pulls away, rubbing my cheek lightly. "Why'd you stop, daddy?" I ask. He only smiles before kissing me again.

Once again, Brendon pulls away; but this time he turns on the car radio. After a few moments, Brendon then slips a CD into the player. "My lady?" Brendon formally asks, holding out his hand to help me off of the car hood. "May I have this dance?" He asks, as I hear Elvis's song, can't help falling in love.

"Aw." I giggle, wrapping my hands around Brendon's neck as we begin to slowly dance. It seems as if all thoughts clouding my head leave. I really just don't care about anything else. Not tomorrow, not weeks from now. Just this moment. My head is pressed against Brendon while we dance, and I feel him softly kiss the top of my head. "I know you really wanted to go to prom." He says in a light whisper. "How did you know?" I ask, looking up at him. I'm sure my cheeks are blushed, due to embarrassment.

"Because, Baby. Every girl wants to go to prom." He answers. I remain silent, agreeing in only my head. "Babydoll, I hate that you had to miss out on anything because of me." He says, sounding a bit sad. "No, no, Brendon. I wouldn't trade my life with you for anything." I say as we continue to dance. "I was hoping, this could be like our little prom." Brendon says.

"You're too kind." I reply with a smile.

A/N :
I'm deeply sorry for my absence. I was in sort of a rut and a little depression, and honestly life got hectic. But I'm back to being as regular as possible. Please show lots of support and love for this book! If you enjoy it, please let me know. It makes my day. Also, I may be making a schedule for weekly updates? Not sure yet, I have to figure out all the kinks; but none the less, thank you all. Ily soooooo much.

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