Chapter 12- Pack your things.

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"Mmm. Stop, I'm tired." Brendon groans as I poke at his lower lip, still sleepy. "Aren't I usually the one to say that?" I ask. He responds by wrapping his arms around me and snuggling me. "Come on, babe. We have to get up." I whisper to him as I play with his messy hair. "It's only a half-day. " I try persuading him. He then looks at me with puppy eyes, sticking out his lower lip.
"Fine, I guess I'll just go to school without you." I teasingly say as I crawl out of bed and walk towards the closet. Brendon sleepily watches me as I then begin to pull on a white Radiohead tee-shirt. Then pairing the shirt with a pair of black skinnies. "I do wonder who the substitute teacher will be though." I say with a laugh, not breaking eye contact with my reflection.

"Fine." I hear Brendon playfully groan. I look over to see him sat up in bed, blanket still covering his lower half. I smile at the sight, as he reaches his hands towards me. I then place myself on his lap, admiring his groggy face. "You're gorgeous, babydoll. You know that?" He asks, staring deep into my eyes as I run my fingers through his hair, smoothing down the wild parts. I bite my lip and blush at this, giving him a quick peck before I get off of him. "I'll make the coffee!" I shout back to him as I leave down the staircase, entering the kitchen.

I layzily lounge against the counter sipping a large mug of black coffee, as Brendon enters the kitchen still buttoning up his shirt. I then hand him his black thermostat, filled to the brim with black coffee. He simply winks in return.


After school Brendon and I decided to go to a cute sushi restaurant I had told him about a few days ago, which is where we are now. "Score!" I giggle after throwing part of a rainbow roll into his mouth, for what must've been the tenth time. I love how we always act like complete dorks. Although, everyone else on this resturaunt are being serious, I bet they aren't having nearly as much fun. He lifts one eyebrow at me as he chews, "We make a good team." I smile back warmly to him as the waiter then comes and places the bill on our table. I go to grab it, but Brendon then slaps my hand away. "What was that?" I ask with a laugh. "You know how it goes, Daddy pays." He responds, pulling cash out of his wallet. "Yes, but you always pay for everything. I'd like to pay next time" I try to reason. He looks at me with a light smile, "Fine. I'll let you next time."

"I'm so full." I groan to Brendon as we walk to his car hand in hand. "I am too." He laughs, opening the passenger side door for me.
Once in Bren's car, I pull his arm close to me to snuggle into. "Are we going to get your stuff today?" He asks looking down to me. "Ugh." I groan, rubbing my face into his arm. "What is it, Baby?" He asks. "I don't want to see Angela." I answer, dripping with bitterness. "After this we won't need to see her anymore." He suggests, his hand now rubbing the upper part of my thigh comfortingly. "You're right, Bren. Let's get this over with." I sigh. "That's my girl." He smiles, starting the car as we begin to my fathers house.


"Hello! Anyone home!?" I yell into the house after unlocking the door. "I guess no one's home." I shrug to Brendon. He follows me up the marbled staircase to my room. "Okay, now.. Don't laugh." I say to Brendon now standing at my bedroom door. "Come on, it can't be that bad." He laughs. I look at him with a smirk before opening my door to reveal my room. White and hot pink stripped walls, white carpeting, and a huge light pink bed. I watch his face as he scans my bed, which is filled entirely with big stuffed animals and thick plush pillows. "Dorky?" I ask with a laugh. "No, it's adorable." He laughs. "How about you start packing up my books?" I ask, gesturing towards my white book shelf laced thick with fiction. "Of course, Babydoll." He answers. "I'll start getting the rest of my clothes." I smile, walking into my closet.

Box, after box I load with my clothes and shoes until I'm finally done. We came up with a system of me loading the boxes full, and once one was full Brendon would carry it down to his car for me. I insisted that I should help with it, but of course he protested against it. "Last one!" I exclaim, closing the box. "I got it." Brendon says before trying to grab the box, but instead I pull him onto my now bare bed. "What is it, babydoll?" He asks, as I'm now cuddled onto him. "I'm tired, daddy." I pout into his chest. "Thank you so much for helping me do this." I say into his neck as he rubs my back softly. "It's no problem, baby. I'm happy that you're officially moving in." He says with a smile. I feel a wave of tiredness rush over me as I then fade to sleep on his chest.


I wake up with a jump from a terrifying nightmare. I'm now in Brendon's bed in a soft nightgown. "Bren!" I call out in a panic as I feel the bed around me for him, confused at my surroundings. "Bren!" I call out again, desperately breaking into teard. I then hear his bathroom door open, as it floods the room with light. "I'm here, baby!" Brendon says as he turns off the light and runs to my side. "Shh, shh, baby." He whispers to me, now holding me in the bed as I try to calm down. He strokes my hair while rocking me as I try to regain my breath. "What happened, babydoll?" He asks. "It was awful, Bren. They tried to hurt you." I say into his chest. "Who?" He asks. "I don't know, Bren. They didn't have faces." I answer, now significantly more calm. "It's okay, baby. No one is going to hurt me. It was just a nightmare. I'm right here. " he answers. After a few moments I feel myself calm down, and I relax my hands which I notice were clinging desperately onto him.

"I'm so sorry." I say, now feeling bad for the anxiety fit I just had. "It's okay, I promise." He reassures me. "I don't remember going to bed." I say as Brendon drags his thumb under my eyes, wiping away left over tears. He smiles lightly, "You fell asleep at your dads house. After I carried the box to the car, I carried you." "Babe, Why didn't you wake me up?" I ask. He laughs lightly, "I couldn't. You looked too cute. I changed you into that gown so you'd be more comfortable."

I smile, nuzzling into him. "Thank you so much. I love you." I say, kissing his cheek before cuddling into him. "I love you too." He answers, playing with my hair until I drift off again.


Kind of just a cutesy chapter. Sorry I've been slow on updates! Did you guys see the new Don't Threaten Me With A Good Time music video? I thought it would be normal, or that I'd ATLEAST get to see Brendon in heels and a skirt.. Fuck, was I wrong. Anyways, I hope you liked this chapter!

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