Chapter One

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~ Chapter One: Esmeralda West ~

         *Dedicated to my friend, Ivy. Enjoy!*


          It was a normal day in the Shire. Humming birds were buzzing around, as sunflowers turned to the newly risen sun. The sky was blue, complimented by white, fluffy clouds. Hobbits were emerging from their houses, ready to seize the day.

Twenty-two year old Frodo Baggins awoke late that morning. The night before, him and his two younger cousins went to the Green Dragon Inn, and stayed out until the late hours. Frodo rolled out of bed, then scratched his arm as he walked into the kitchen.

"There you are, my lad! I was beginning to think that you were never going to leave that bed!" Frodo's uncle (technically, older cousin) said, fixing a plate of bacon and eggs for him.

"Nonsense, Uncle." Frodo says, sitting down on a stool. "I was going to wake up sooner or later, but you can hardly blame me. I was out with Merry and Pippin last night!"

"Ah, yes, those two certainly cause a lot of mischief don't they?" Bilbo states, placing the food in front of his hungry nephew's eyes. "Well anyway, hurry up and eat that, then get ready."

Frodo looked up, and raised an eyebrow. "Ready? Are we going somewhere?"

"Yes, we have new neighbors. I thought it would be nice to introduce ourselves."

Frodo nodded. "Okay."

          Later, Bilbo and Frodo walk down the road to their new neighbor's house. Frodo holds a basket full of freshly made scones in his hand, as he trails behind his elderly uncle. When they reach the house, Bilbo knocks on the door, then steps aside next to Frodo. A few moments later, someone answers the door. He is tall and jolly looking, with a round belly, and smile marks creased into his plump face.

"Hello, I'm Bilbo Baggins, and this is my nephew, Frodo. We're your new neighbors!"

"Well hello there!" The man said, shaking Bilbo's hand. "My name is Tom Bombadil, nice to meet you two!"

"The pleasure is mine." Frodo said, as Tom shook his.

"Come in! I have some tea in the kettle."

Bilbo and Frodo stepped inside, surrounded by a welcoming smell, although cluttered with unpacked boxes.

"Pardon the mess, my niece and I haven't unpacked yet."

"It's alright." Bilbo said, as Frodo uncomfortably sifted from holding the basket for too long.

"Speaking of my niece, I'll get her to meet you two. Esmeralda! Come here, we've got some visitors!"

Frodo looked up at the friendly, but loud man.

"Excuse me Mister Tom, but these are for you."

Tom looked down at the basket the young Hobbit was holding out.

"Why thank you, my friend." He said, taking he basket, and looking inside.

"These are my very own scones, Tom. From my own recipe!" Bilbo said.

"They smell delicious." Tom smelled, before setting them down, and looking across the room. "Ah there she is. Come here Esmeralda!"

Frodo looked up, to see a beautiful girl. She looked around fifteen, and was very skinny. She had pale skin, dark eyebrows and eyelashes, and wavy ginger hair that reached below her shoulders. What caught Frodo's attention the most, was her bright green eyes, that held so many secrets. She silently approached her uncle with grace, keeping her mouth closed.

"Bilbo, Frodo, this is my niece, Esmeralda."

"It's nice to meet you, Esmeralda." Bilbo smiled, shaking her small, delicate hand.

She nodded, before looking at Frodo, who kept his gaze fixed on her green eyes.

"Frodo." Bilbo whispered, lightly nudging him.

When he still didn't move, he whacked him in the back of his head. Suddenly, Frodo came to his senses.

"I'm sorry. It's nice to meet you." He shook her hand, and she kept her facial expression the same.

Frodo looked a little confused, before Tom placed his hand on her back.

"Don't mind her, Frodo, she's just shy."

Esmeralda looked down, before Tom perked up again.

"Let's head into the kitchen, the tea is ready."

Bilbo smiled, as they followed Tom into the kitchen. Bilbo, Frodo and Esmeralda sat down, as Tom poured them all tea.

"So what made you move to the Shire?" Bilbo asks.

Esmeralda looked up, and Frodo saw sadness in her eyes.

Tom sat down, then said, "Esmeralda's parents died, and I though it would be for the best if I took her in, and we moved here."

She looks down again, as Bilbo and Frodo's jolly expressions change.

Frodo looks at her, before whispering, "I am so sorry."

She looks into his big, blue eyes. "Thank ya."

Her voice was quiet and delicate, holding a thick Irish accent, and Frodo's stomach filled with butterflies. She looked down again, as Bilbo looked at Tom, then back to her.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to-"

"Don't worry about it." Tom interrupts. "The past is in the past, and there's no point in dwelling on it."

Bilbo raises his mug. "Those are wise words to live by, Tom."

Tom smiles and copies his actions.

          Later, Tom Bambadil walks Frodo and Bilbo to the door.

"It was nice chatting with you!" Tom said, holding the door open.

"Yeah, it was great!" Bilbo replies. "How about we do it again sometime? At my place?"

"Sure! Sounds great!"

"I'll send Frodo with some directions in a day or two."

Tom smiled. "Alright."

Bilbo and Frodo walked out the door, and walked the path back to Bag End.

"Well, he seemed nice." Frodo said, remembering all the times he joked around and laughed.

"Yes, he did. Can't say the same for his niece, though. She didn't speak more then two words!"

"Well, Uncle, you can hardly blame her for that. Losing your parents is a traumatizing thing. I speak from experience. I'm sure Esmeralda will come out of her shell eventually, like I did."

"Yes, I suppose you're right. Now, Frodo Baggins, it's your job to make her feel welcome here."

He nodded. "Of course."


Hey guys! Are you enjoying this fanfiction so far? I know it's a little slow at first, but it'll get interesting, I promise. By the way, do you mind voting? I would greatly appreciate it! Also, almost every single picture included was from Lord of the Rings fan accounts on Instagram. I DO NOT own any of the pictures. Well, have fun reading! 😊

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