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Justin and I walked into the club, arms locked, while people kept calling his name; mostly since it was his night.

But it was like we were celebrities or something. We made our way to a table, and people immediately started sucking up to Justin. I sat there as he flirted with girls, and talked to the dudes about football. I rolled my eyes,at how these people suck up too him.

"Girl, what is wrong? This is you and ya' mans night" Sarah asked me, as I stood up.

"Nothing," I shook my head, and the girls and I went to a separate table to sit.

"You need to calm ya' tits, okay? Have some fun" A'Leena joked. I laughed a little.

"She's right ya' know" Josleni agreed with her.

"I'm going to get something to drink" I informed them.

"And, we'll be out on the dance floor" Brittany said, as we all got up and walked our ways. I approached the bar, and noticed that Langston, Day Day, and I think his name is Julian? Were sitting there.

"Fruit punch" I demanded.

"Fruit punch?" Day Day asked me, jokingly. I laughed a little, and rolled my eyes.

"Hush, I'm under eighteen, I'm not even supposed to be here" I responded.

"Oh, I got you" He nodded.

"What up!" Jaden approached me, and hugged me.

"Hey" I responded. He dapped up Day Day, Langston, and Julian. Langston hasn't even looked at me once. He was too busy watching every other female around. Ugh.

"Here's your fruit punch" The bartender, handed me my drink. I nodded as a way to say thank you. I began to drink, some of my drink. Then "Club Rock" by Yung Nation began to thump through the speakers of the club. I immediately began bopping my head to the beat.

"Can you dance?" Day Day asked me.

"Of course" I shot back.

"Okay, prove it" He challenged. I laughed a little.

"A'ight" I placed my drink on the bar, and jumped down off the stool. I'm short, okay? Ha ha! Day Day told Langston, Jaden, and Julian to come with him. Even then, Langston didn't look my way. We got to the dance floor, and I instantly ran into Brittany.

"Girl, come on, let's show em' how we do!"

"Aye, okay!" She cheered back. "Work That Monkey" by Kstylis bang playing. Brittany grabbed Craig and starting working him. I grabbed Justin, and I started to dance on him. We soon had a crowd formed around us.

"Ayee!" Ray Ray cheered as A'Leena twerked on him. We were too live tonight. The song finally ended, and I stopped dancing, right along with the rest of the girls. "Twerk" by Project Pat came on, and girls started dancing with Justin. I shrugged it off, and let him do him. They're just dancing, plus I don't wanna start a riot tonight. I felt a slight tap on my waist, I turned to see it was Langston standing there. Oh, so now he wants to acknowledge me?

"Meet me outside in five," He whispered in my ear, which sent shivers all the way down my spine. I didn't respond, I just turned back around. I walked out the door in four minutes, and stood in the parking lot. It had been five minutes already, and I wait for nobody. I was about to head back in, and Langston walked out the door smoking a blunt.

Which had made him even cuter, for some odd reason.

"Where was you going?" He asked, meeting me in the middle of the parking lot.

"Tuh, what do you want?" I raised my eyebrow at him.

"For you stop trying so hard" He shot back. What?

"What you talking about?" I asked him.

"Like you don't know," He rolled his eyes, and took another puff of his blunt, then tried to pass.

"I don't smoke" I rejected his offer. He chuckled slightly, and took another puff.

"What was that for?" I asked him. I was really starting to not like this dude.

"You too stuck up" He shot at me.

I scoffed. "You make me sick," I was about to walk past him.

"Why, because I don't kiss your a­s like everybody else?". I know he didn't, I turned on my heels and faced him.

"Watch it, okay? I'm not the one who's stuck up" I shot at him.

"If you're implying that I'm the one whose stuck up, you have problems" He chuckled once again, it was like I was one big joke too him.

"I'm not stuck up, I'm just confident. Get it right" I stated with much attitude.

"Confident, is knowing that you're bad, and not having anyone else tell you that you are for you too know that.

But seeing that I'm not kissing your a­s, and you're acting like it's going to kill you, proves me right. You're insecure, not confident" He burst my bubble, and as much as he was right. I still wasn't going to let him know that.

"Whatever," I rolled my eyes.

"Anyways, you gonna' give me your number or what?" He asked, pulling out his iPhone. Wait a minute... this has got to be a set up.

"Wait, you insult me, then ask for my number?" I questioned him, with a funny look on my face.

"I wasn't insulting you, I was being honest" He replied. I guess he was right, once again. I rolled my eyes, and snatched the phone from him. I put my info in, and handed it back too him.

"Goodbye" He shooed me away. The hell?!

"N­***, I'm not a d­mn puppy!" I snapped. He chuckled once again, I swear I could punch his face in.

"Yeah, I know. Puppies can't talk" He smarted off.

"Look n­***, I'll­"

"You'll what?" He cut me off, by stepping closer to my face, we were about two centimeters apart. My mouth went from agape, to shut. Seeing that even if I did try something, it wouldn't be accomplished because he was taller than me, and stronger.

"That's what I thought" He smirked.

"Tuh," I rolled my eyes, and bumped past him. I don't know what it is, but something about him is attractive too me. I re­entered the club, and saw Justin still dancing with some girls. Then I realized it. Langston wasn't like most guys... he's a boss.

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