"Setting It Straight"

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[ Saturday ]


"Rhea, come on.. we're going to my mom's house for a minute" I replied. This was going to be a hell of a night!

"A'ight, I'm ready" Rhea came down the stairs, and walked past me out the door. Me and her haven't been 'lovey dovey' or whatever the heck you wanna' call it since the argument. Shoot, we barely even speak. We got in the car, and rode out to my moms house.

[ At Momma Higgins House ]

We pulled up in the drive way and hopped out. My mom opened the door, before we got too it. If you haven't noticed, she does that a lot.

"Hey baby," My mom hugged me.

"Hey ma" I replied, and hugged her back.

"Hey love" My mom hugged Rhea.

"Hey Momma H," Rhea smiled. I grabbed Rhea's hand and led her to the living room, and BeeBee was sitting on the chair across the room.

"Ugh, why are you here?" Rhea rolled her eyes.

"Tuh, I could ask you the same" BeeBee smarted off.

"Okay, you sit here, and be quiet" I demanded Rhea, and I sat her in a chair across the room from BeeBee. She did so, but I could see attitude printed across her forehead.

"Okay, look I brought the both of you here, to set some stuff straight," I stated.

"Well can we get this over with? Because the more I look at her the more I want to kill her" BeeBee smarted off.

"Touche' b­***," Rhea snapped back, standing up.

"Hush" My mom demanded, while I sat Rhea back down.

"Like I was saying... BeeBee, Rhea is my girlfriend, the only one I want to be with... so please stop harassing me, and leave Rhea alone. I'm sorry that I did you like that, but you can't keep holding on to me"

"and Rhea... please quit worrying about BeeBee, me and her have nothing going on... I wouldn't hurt you like that... so can you two puh­lease... stop fighting?" I finished off. I kind of felt like I man...

"I'm willing too drop it, if she is..." BeeBee stated, I glared over at Rhea.

"Fine" Rhea stated, with a shrug.

"Thank you" I sighed.

"Can I talk to you in private?" BeeBee asked Rhea.

"Yeah, ma.. can we go upstairs for a second?" Rhea asked my mom.

"Of course baby, just don't fight... please" My mom nodded.

"We won't," BeeBee stated.


BeeBee and I went into the guest bedroom, and I shut the door behind us.

"Talk" I folded my arms, and leaned against the door.

"I'm sorry," BeeBee shrugged.

"It's fine, was that it?" I asked.

"No, I need your help..." She replied.


"Getting over him" BeeBee stated.

"I can't really help you with that.. I don't really know how" I replied.

"Have you ever had your heart torn to pieces?" She asked, I could see tears forming in her eyes.

"Y­yeah, I have" I nodded.

"Then you know how I feel, I tried so hard to get myself together, but it never seemed to work" A tear fell from her eye.

"I'm so sorry" I replied.

"It just hurt so bad, Rhea... I'm so sorry for what I did" BeeBee began crying. I pulled her into a hug, and she hugged me back.

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