"The Broken Barbie Doll"

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[ A Week Later ]


I sat back with my boys, while split our money, and rolled up a few blunts.

"A'ight, kick it too me straight. What was you doing with the baddy outside?" My boy Deandre questioned me,for the billionth time this week.

"N­***, I told you. That's none of your business" I replied, and lit my blunt. No, I wasn't trying to make them think I was doing something with her, but every time I tell one of these n­*** about me and a chick, it's like hell up in here. I gotta' answers a hundred ­billion questions about a chick, that they don't even have to worry about.

"Anyways, I gotta' go it's seven, and I gotta go this shorty house. See y'all later" Day Day said, as he took his money, and left the table.

"A'ight" We all said in unison, as he left out.

"That n­*** gone catch something," Julian shook his head.

"My n­*** I know you not talking!" I burst his bubble. That n­*** a h­e, simple as that! Ha ha! Me on the other hand, I don't mess with just anything. My women, h­es, whatever have to be top of the line, or else you won't see me fooling around with em'.

Once we were done splitting the money, I decided to hit Rhea up. Since I haven't since the night at the club. I scrolled through long list of contacts, and I finally found her number. I touched it and the phone began ringing.

"Hello?" She answered. I could heard females talking in the background, so she must be with her crew.

"Yo, it's Langston" I stated.

"Oh, hey" She replied, sound not so happy to hear from me. I figured that would happen, seeing that I wasn't the best person on her list, because of that night at the club.

"Meet me at the park in your neighborhood, I'll be up there in a minute" I demanded. Yes demanded, with chicks like her, you gotta' be that way, or she'll walk all over you.

"Alrght" She replied, and hung up the phone.

"I'm a be right back," I informed the guys, and left off to the park. I made a stop at the McDonald's to get us something to eat. Ay, at least I'm being nice to her. I eventually made it to the park, and saw her sitting on the swing set. I honked the horn, and she walked up to the car and hopped in.

"Who you honking yo' horn at?" She snapped at me.

"You came didn't you?" I shot back. She rolled her eyes, and sat back in her seat, as she put on her seat belt.

"You have a serious attitudinal problem" She mumbled.

"Nah, that's just you" I replied, with a smirk on my face, just to get on her nerves. She rolled her eyes, and looked away from me.

"I bought you something to eat" I handed her the McDonald's bag with a double cheese burger and a fry in it.

"Thanks," She snatched it form me.

"Nah, don't thank me, you need it"

"What you mean, I need it? N­*** I'm not broke" She shot at me.

"I know you're not, but you small as hell" I shook my head.

"N­***, I'm thick thank you very much" She rolled her eyes.

"Just because you got a big butt, don't make you thick" I burst her bubble, once again.

"Okay, you say I'm insecure, tell me to give you your number, tell me to come meet you, then you wanna' talk sh­t again?" She questioned me, but this time with more attitude. I could tell I was really getting under her skin, like what I was doing was bothering her more than I thought it would.

"Look, don't catch an attitude with me. Okay? I'm being honest with you, and obviously somebody needs to, because you've placed yourself a little too high up on a pedestal" I snapped.

"Placed myself too high up? No, I think you're trying to knock me down, and if that's the case take me home" She amped, as I pulled into the driveway.

"Too late, we're already at my house" I hopped out the car, followed behind her. I could tell I set something in her off, that I didn't mean too. But honestly, you wold too if you saw how she looks down on everybody else.

We entered the house, and she followed me into the kitchen.

"You again" Deandre smirked. She rolled her now flaming red eyes at him, and walked into the living room.

"What did you do to that girl?" Julian asked me.

"Nothing, yet" I replied, with a smirk on my face and went into the living room. She was sitting on the couch,texting on her phone. I watched as she took a sip of her drink through the straw. It's like everything she does has to be perfect, like she's programmed to be this perfect barbie doll or something. I sat down on the couch,beside of her, and as nosy as I am, I glared over and saw that she was texting Justin.

You wouldn't believe what I saw. I shook it off, and started flipping through the channels.

"You play any sports?" I asked her. She didn't respond, I looked over to see she was still texting.

"Helloooooo," My voice rang, she looked up at me, with that 'if you don't shut up talking to me' look.

"What?" She asked.

"I asked you if you play any sports" I informed her.

"No," She said, with a rude tone.

"Any hobbies?" I asked.

"Do it matter? Really?" She asked with an attitude.

"Yeah, that's why I asked, duhhhhh!" I smarted off.

"Look, take me home. Okay? I refuse to sit here, and let you continue to bash me about everything I do, and if it's that important, I sing. Okay?" She snapped.

"That's being confident" I smirked. She looked at me confused, and shook her head, as she began eating another fry, as she read the message Justin just sent her, and since I'm such a jackas­s, I'll tell you what it read:

Sorry, I couldn't make it last night, I had things to do, so stop tripping okay? D­mn!

I shook my head.

"Why are you even with his as­s?" I asked her, and snatched her phone away from her.

"Hey! Give my phone back!" She reached for it, but I wouldn't let her get too it.

"Tell me," I demanded.

"Why are you so concerned?" She asked.

"Because, I've seen girls like you who stick with weak a­ss ni­ggas like him before, and either they end up dead or depressed. I'd hate to see you sell yourself short like that" I replied.

"Last I recall, you were doing that for me",

"No, for the last d­mn time, I was being honest. Seeing that all your friends see you as is perfect, including your

brother, and your boyfriend is a self ­absorbed idiot who doesn't know what he has" I snapped back. She gave up, and sat back on the couch, with her arms crossed across her chest. I laid her phone on her lap.

"But hey, you can stick with him if you want to" I shrugged, and turned my attention back to the TV. Honestly,Rhea is like a broken barbie doll.

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