twenty seven

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where're my readers from? im from new york, new york, comment where you're from:) i'm interested to know!

ps. imma start moving harry & addison's relationship a lil faster in the upcoming chapters, don't worry! i just want to maintain and represent the idea that addison is distant of boys and harry isnt used to girls like addison (which are both very important for the context of the story). and also i want this story to be realistic, so that's why it's been taking a while. just please hang w me, the climax and all that good shit is coming up sooooon!!

hope you enjoy the chapter :) x -G

hobbledehoy (noun) - one who is perpetually ungainly and uncertain

* * *

H: I am picking up some errands today...would you like to be one of them?

I groggily woke up to a kind text from Harry, a pleasant surprise to find after a lazy mid-afternoon nap. 

I peered out the window, noting the luminously bright sun that shone on the hundreds of people walking aimlessly on the streets below. 

I could practically feel the sun's warmth from the safety of my bed.

I grunted at the taunting sun, knowing I should seize the goodness of the sunny LA day but lacking the motivation and energy to do so.

I rubbed the gritty sleep from my eyes, which were squinting from the harsh light from my phone screen, and lethargically typed back a curt response.

A: no. im sleeping

H: Sleeping? It's 3pm..

A: napping. its called napping harry

As I clicked my phone off and rolled back into the comfort of my airy duvet, my phone began to ring. I tried my best to ignore the ringing at first, but the angry vibrations were stopping me from retuning to my glorious nap.

"Fuck!" I grabbed my phone off the counter and immediately declined the call, which was unsurprisingly from Harry.

I texted Harry before he could call again, my thumbs speedily bolting from letter to letter with a newfound anger caused by the disruption of my mid-afternoon nap.

A: don't call me. im napping

H: Come outside in 10 minutes.

A: no

H: No? What do you mean 'no' ..?

I remembered that Harry doesn't hear the word 'no' often, especially from females. But I'm not like most females, and I appreciate naps much more than annoying, British, boys with gorgeously long hair.

A: no. it means no, im not hanging out with you today

H: I think you mean yes. Autocorrect I guess hah

A: harry let me fucking nap

H: Then I am going to keep calling you until you agree to come with me.

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