I love the way you lie CHAPTER 17

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I always feel like I'm obligated to write something at the beginning of every chapter, but I'm kind of running out of ideas...So just don't forget to Vote& Comment!

Enjoy! :)



“What the fuck are you doing here, Hope?”

Even though I had been desperately hoping every single second for the past seven days to see him again, I now found that I clearly wasn’t ready to talk to him yet. I was still too weak, too vulnerable.

Tears shot into my eyes as I stared at my shoes, avoiding everyone’s gaze like the little girl I was. I knew that if I would try and say something, I wouldn’t be able to keep it together anymore.

“She is my date” Dylan answered instead of me, pulling me closer to him. For a change, I was very thankful for not having to see Blake’s reaction, but deep inside I was sure that it was probably something between indifference and slight disgust.

It had been so very naïve of me to think that he would also feel this weird mixture of happiness and sadness when he would see me. I was such a dumb child. One would think that I would have learned my lesson but obviously there was still a big part of me that clasped onto this desperate glimmer of hope that he depended on me like I depended on him.

“So are you two, like, an item now?” Brainless brat interfered, being her usual annoying self.

I took me a mere glance at her satisfied expression to loosen up again. “That’s none of your damn bu-“   

“Yes, we are” Dylan interrupted, catching me completely off guard. There was no way that he had just claimed that without even asking me for my opinion.

Convinced that this was a big misunderstanding I shook my head but before I could actually clear everything up I was once again interrupted but this time it was neither Lacy nor Dylan.

“Congratulations, man! That is really great” Blake grinned as he mischievously winked at his best friend before taking a short glance at me. “She is a very beautiful woman”

I felt like I had been punched with a baseball bat. For a short moment, I felt like I would never be able to breathe again, like any chance for me to continue living my life had been completely destroyed.

So as I subconsciously listened to the two man talking about something with Lacy occasionally asking a stupid question, all the anger and the frustration I had suppressed for so long boiled up in me and I decided that I was not going down without a proper fight. I didn’t want to be the sad, broken-hearted girl anymore.

“Babe?” I interfered, interrupting whatever important topic they were discussing. “Can you get me a drink?”

“Sure” He replied, slightly surprised by my sudden change of mood. “I’ll be right back”

As soon as he disappeared into the crowd, Lacy was surprised by what turned out to be her equally dumb friend. So as the both of them exchanged gossip, I turned to Blake who now looked very, very upset.

“Why so serious, Blake?” I asked, putting all of my efforts into sounding as playful as possible. “It’s a party, you gotta enjoy yourself”

He stepped forward, slightly bending his head down to my level as he whispered “Using my best friend to get back at me, little girl? That’s low. Stop playing games”

“Even though we’ve only met just a few weeks ago, I know that you’re the only one who sees me, the real me. I’m begging you, don’t give up on me” I replied, quoting him word by word. “What happened to that, Blake? What happened to never giving up?”

“You chose to give it up, not me” He hissed, his breath hot against my skin.

“It has been a week. You could’ve called; you could’ve done something, anything! Why didn’t you?”

“Why did you dance with him, right in front of my damn eyes?” He demanded in return, ignoring my questions. “He fucking touches you and you fucking let him, Hope!”

“You are such a selfish asshole” I exclaimed, shoving him in frustration. It was a miracle that no one seemed to notice anything. “Did you ever once think about how I felt when you kissed your bitch of a fiancée on your engagement party? I was a guest on your engagement party, Blake. I was a guest!”

Just as he was about to accuse me of something in return, I spotted Dylan behind him so that I quickly stepped back, giving my best to contain my anger.

“Here you go” Dylan said as he handed me a cup, oblivious to the tension in the air.

“Thanks” I smiled at him before quickly emptying the cup. “Come on, let’s dance”

I took his hand, pulling him onto the dance floor with me. Now that I knew that Blake didn’t like other people touching his favourite toy, I had a new weapon against him.

“Hope, what – “

“Shhh” I whispered, putting his hands on my hips as I turned my back to him, slowly grinding up against him. The one big advantage of being a stripper is the experience. Two years of dancing for money taught me everything I needed to know about what a man really wanted.  

After a very brief moment of hesitation, I felt him relax as he also moved against me. I smirked, making sure that I was looking right into Blake’s disbelieving eyes as Dylan kissed down my neck, his hands eager to touch my body.

With every second that passed by, Blake’s façade seemed to break a little bit more, revealing his jealousy and anger but there was also something else that no one beside me could ever see. It was pain. Blake Riviera seemed to actually suffer.

I had every reason to go on. It wouldn’t have been unjustifiable for me to play him like he played me but I didn’t want to because as irrational as it might seem, hurting his feelings was hurting mine even more.

“I-I’m sorry” I mumbled, quickly releasing myself from Dylan’s tight grasp. “I have to go to the bathroom”

I didn’t bother waiting for his reply. Instead, I rushed through the crowd, distancing myself physically from what I had just done.  I had not only acted very out of place but I had also used an innocent person just to get back at his best friend. Dylan was not to be held responsible for Blake’s or my mistakes. He had nothing to do with it and still, I had knowingly pulled him right into this mess. Since before this date, I knew that it was impossible for me to be more than just friends with him.

“I have to tell him” I talked to myself. “I can’t do this to him”

Unfortunately, I had forgotten to watch where I was going so that when I looked up, I had to realize that I was kind of lost. I had walked into an abandoned corridor, which was scary enough but hearing someone move behind me was absolutely frightening.

I tensed up, too afraid to turn around and face the person but too curious not to. So before I could make up my mind, I was roughly grabbed by my arm and spun around.

The person put his hand on my mouth but it wouldn't have been necessary as my voice seemed to have vanished in the wrongest of all times.

“Don't scream. It's me”


Yeah I know it's too short...I'm sorry! Next chapter will be up soon :)

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