I love the way you lie CHAPTER 5

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  • Dedicated to Lisa and Melissa <3

Hey muchachos! I was so excited to write this Chapter 'cause it's kind of the beginning of the whole thing and yeah :D You'll see!

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Chapter 5

"Tell me are you feeling strong? Strong enough to love someone?” We sang - or more screamed - along with Tom Fletcher, one of the lead singers. I was so happy that we had managed to get to our places at the very front without April punching someone. The concert was just about to reach its end and aside from the fact that we were probably the oldest fangirls in there, it had been a truly magnificent experience. It was a shame but no surprise that all of the boys were already taken.

“I love you guys! Tom you're mine!” The maniac next to me (a.k.a. April) screeched. I doubted that they had heard that as there were thousands of other people screaming and cheering but for a short moment – or maybe I was just imagining it – Tom looked at April and actually smiled.

“Fuck the Duck, did he just?!” April gasped blinking repeatedly.

"I think he did" I replied just as shocked.

“Can you guys please calm down for a minute?” Annie interfered. She was the only one of the three of us who somehow managed to stay calm throughout the entire thing. April and I were just too busy with screaming over how hot and amazing they were.

“C'mon. We've got to go now." She continued pulling us towards the exit which sounds easier than it actually was because let me tell you something - 13-year-old fangirls can be pretty aggressive at times.

“But I want to stay! I mean he smiled at me! Maybe I should just-“

“No April. You’re definitely coming with us. I don’t want you to stalk those poor guys” Annie interrupted her determinedly. April merely rolled her eyes before taking a last longing look at them. A few minutes later we were about to get in Annie's car when we saw a young girl racing towards us. Suddenly I was panicking as memories of that night returned-

“Please, you've got to help me! The paparazzi are chasing me and I can't even - Please just save me!” The girl screamed, hysterically jumping up and down. Her white mini dress clung onto her like a second skin which surprisingly looked very classy instead of slutty. She could've looked extremely stunning with her long brown hair and her striking blue eyes but fear was deforming her beautiful face.

“Who are you?” Annie asked taken aback by her sudden appearance.

"She's Lisa Riviera" April answered instead of her, her voice full of admiration as she gaped at the girl in awe.

"The daughter of Charles and Miranda Riviera?!" Annie asked, unbelievingly shaking her head as we spotted a giant crowd of people with cameras head in our direction.

"Am I missing something here?" I interfered, alarmed by the fact that the girl was actually telling the truth.

“Yes, I'm that girl. Now that my family circumstances are clarified could you please give me a ride? I'm not going to get out of here alive without you - I'm begging you!” She screeched as she gestured for us to move.

"Oh my Gosh! Your brother is so hot! Can you introduce me to him?!” April asked excitedly as Annie shoved her towards the car. She always knew what to do in messy situations and so I just assumed that she had a valid reason to trust that girl and silently hurried to the passengers seat.

Annie made a dangerous maneuvre, making the engine roar like crazy as we drove off as fast as possible.

"What is happening right now?" I slowly asked after a few moments of silence where everyone just tried to deal with the whole thing.

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