I love the way you lie CHAPTER 6

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Hey :D  

So I finally found a Blake :D It's Sean O'pry *DROOL*

Oh and sorry for the mistakes I wasn't in the mood to double check today :P

 Don't forget to Vote and Comment :D 


Chapter 6

His hands were clenched into fists and his deep blue eyes were full of sheer hatred as he approached his father without any sign of fear of hesitation. I gaped at his divine face in awe and I realized that this guy wasn't any less dangerous than his father.

Sheer power emanated as the two men stared at each other, silently communicating their hatred. The air was dominated by an almost unbearable tension. It was unbearable to the point of me having goosebumps all over.

Mr. Riviera was the first one to look away.

“I thought we had a deal” Blake said calmly, his deep voice echoing through my head. In fact, his whole posture seemed too calm for the situation - Only his eyes revealed how furious he actually was.

“The deal is history” Mr.Riviera hissed at his son. Even though he was also disturbingly good at hiding his true emotions, he came nowhere near his son and he seemed to know and despise that.

“You gave your word. You said that you wouldn't touch her if I do as you say. I can't particularly recall not following any of your ridiculous orders. So what could possibly be the reason for this?” Blake replied making a swift hand motion. Now I could hear clear venom in his voice.

“I'll show you why!” Mr.Riviara screamed as he grabbed a newspaper lying on his desk and threw it at Blake who caught it by reflex and glanced at the cover.

“What's there to get angry about? It's their job to make up stories about our family. I lost count of all the pictures showing you with other women.  Who do you think you are to judge my sister on articles in trashy newspapers?" Blake replied coldly, taking another step towards his father so that there were only a few inches left between them.

“Where do you take all this courage you son of a-“

“Shut up. Don't you dare to insult my mother, Charles. You are the only one in our family who deserves these kind of words not me, not Lisa and especially not my mom. We only stick around in that golden cage of yours because we have to. Leave us alone and keep your venom to yourself. And don't you touch my sister ever again" Blake interrupted him, his face showing no emotion.

I couldn't help but be impressed about the courageous man standing up to his father in a way that noone else ever could.

His father, on the other hand, was obviously too taken aback to reply so that Blake merely shot him one last glare before picking up his sister bridal style.

“I am going to take her to her room now. If you pay her another visit, I'm going to know and you're going to regret it.”

“Who gave you the permission to do so? She's going to receive the punishment she deserves” Mr. Riviera shouted immediately, his face turning red with rage. He looked like his head was about to explode when he hastily stepped in front of the door as to prevent his son from leaving.

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