I love the way you lie - CHAPTER 30

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It’s been quite a while now, hasn’t it? Let me just tell you that right now, my love life is worse than everything I could’ve ever imagined for Hope and Blake…which is actually part of the reason for why I finally feel ready to continue this story. Because right now, I’m not ready to face my own story.

So, I hope that there is still someone out there reading and enjoying this book as much as I love writing it…And I really, really do. Even if it doesn’t seem like it, I do love it.

Enjoy and leave me a comment, it’s always a pleasure to read your thoughts :-)


The following weeks seemed like a miraculous world to me, a world in which girls like me were permitted to enjoy the simple yet so complex pleasure of loving someone truly and deeply. It had come as a rather big shock to us that Lacy had chosen to stay out of our way and withdraw from the public eye after the day where Blake had openly confessed our relationship to both the media and his own family.

His mother, as it turned out, was an infinitely generous woman with an infinitely great mind. Despite her husband’s cruel ways, the woman had managed to remain tolerant towards her children’s wishes, which was probably why she welcomed me with open arms every time I came by to spend time with Blake and Lisa. Often, she would just sit with us and we would spend hours discussing a particular book that we had all grown fond of.

As a matter of fact, it became clear to Blake and me that our mutual affection towards books, books written by John Green in particular, was what we wished to build our relationship on. So all the times we were not talking, going out or kissing, we were reading together. It was advantageous that we were fond of the same types of books, so that we would often read the same book and then share our thoughts about it.

This tradition had then expanded to Miranda and Lisa, who were also passionate readers.

All the while, Annie and Kyle had stopped hiding their very obvious relationship and had finally gathered up the courage to tell us that, yes, they were together and yes, they did love each other and no, this did not mean that we would get to call Kyle our “dearest brother-in-law”. Of course, this did not discourage April and me from actually doing it, neither did it keep us from showing our enthusiasm about them being together.

Dylan, thanks to his unbelievably rich father bribing everyone involved, did not go to prison for what he had done to me. However, this was not what was deeply disturbing to me. He knew my secret and he hadn’t done anything to expose me as a liar and a stripper. Days had turned into weeks and weeks had turned into months but he hadn’t done anything to interfere in our relationship.

Charles Riviera, on the other hand, had made it pretty clear that I was neither welcome nor permitted in his house after the press conference. He had also made it clear, in a very aggressive manner, that he would not permit his son going against his wishes. However, Blake had proved his threats to be true when he declared that, throughout the years, he had collected various copies of documents about illegal business that could and would destroy Charles Riviera in a matter of hours, if someone would go public with them. Additional to that, he had also continuously transferred certain amounts of money to a separate bank account that not even his mother had known of. The sum which had been transferred each time, however, had not been high enough to catch his fathers’ attention. Throughout the years a significant amount of money had been stacked up which would be more than enough to provide for a hundred of the best lawyers to be found in all of America.

Now, what we had been asking ourselves was why Blake had waited for so long until he had finally proved his father that he had underestimated his biggest enemies, his own children. Everytime I would ask him about it he would simply look at me with this sad expression on his face and tell me that he had required one final evidence which had been granted to him shortly before all of our lives had been changed.

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