I love the way you lie CHAPTER 8

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Hey :P

Sorry for uploading too late...I had to take care of my cousins...Gosh I hate children -.-

Well anyways...


And don't forget to Vote & Comment! :D 




“Yes?” Blake pushed further, grinning at me in his typical way. I looked at him and my heart fell as I admitted to myself that it had never been hate. I liked this guy without even knowing him properly. I was stupid and dumb and naive and I liked him more than I could ever possibly admit to myself.

So I decided to lie.

"I'm currently working with one of my good friends Kyle. I'm his secretary to be exact" I replied self-confidently. Over the years I had gotten ridiculously good at lying. It was pretty sad, actually. "I graduated with seventeen since I started school one year earlier. I'm a very lucky girl to have friends like Kyle. He has helped me out when I didn't know where else to go"

At least the last part was the truth.

"You've done great for yourself, Hope. I'm sure your parents would be proud of you if they could see you like this" Miranda replied smiling at me kindly.

"Well, now that that is sorted out" Blake began, thankfully noticing that I felt incredibly awkward "when are you going to introduce me to Drake, Lisa?

"Never because he didn't call back! You heard that before" Lisa exclaimed, scowling at her brother in annoyance for bringing it back up.

"So he played you? Who the hell is that guy?"

"I'm not going to tell you!" She protested as our meals finally arrived. I suspiciously took a look at my own plate but there seemed nothing wrong about it. In fact, the food looked and smelled divine and after taking a careful bite I found that it tasted heavenly.

I lightly kicked Blake under the table and he shot me a surprised look. I just smiled, mouthing "Thank you" which he answered with a grin and a revenge kick.

"Owww" I whined, slightly flinching.

 "What happened?" Miranda asked raising her eyebrows surprisedly.

"Nothing...I think I just got stung by something" I replied apologetically, fake-frowning at her son.

All the while, I tried my hardest to hide my happiness but still I had this small smile on my lips that would grow everytime Blake did or said something. Sometimes he would stroke my hand under the table or grin at me for no reason and I couldn't help but grin back every single time.

On our way back home, Miranda and he discussed  a couple of complicated business matters that neither Lisa nor I were interested in, so we played "I spy" for the whole car ride which Blake found incredibly annoying.

On the second floor of the Riviera mansion, Miranda hugged all of us shortly before proceeding to make her way to the third floor that belonged completely to her.

 "Goodnight, Blakeybooboo" Lisa called, pulling me inside her bedroom. I turned around, stupidly waving at him before I closed the door behind us.

"That was the most awkward dinner I probably ever had" Lisa said as she threw her heels off, exhaustedly jumping on her bed.

"Tell me about it" I simply replied. "Lisa, can I ask you something?"

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