I love the way you lie CHAPTER 18

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Hello :D I'm baaaack! It's been ages, I'm so sorry for disappearing like that but you know...Reality is just getting the best of me recently ^^

I'm really sorry for any Grammar mistakes that may have occured. I'm so tired right now and I just want to sleep 'cause it's almost 3 AM in Austria so yeah... :D

Hope you like it <3

 Oh and don't forget to Vote & Comment! :D



“Don’t scream. It’s me” Blake whispered as he released me without stepping back. For a change I preferred to remain silent whilst feeling a slight sense of déjà vu.

“Well, I’m impressed. You seem to have learned the great art of obedience” He then continued as a slight smirk appeared on his divine face.

“Your point?” I finally asked, crossing my arms defiantly. Even though I was secretly very fond of his arrogance, I didn’t like to be looked down at.

“And there you go again”

“Your point?” I insisted, mostly because I had yet to decide whether to be angry or not. There was a big civil war going on between the part of me that was fed up with all the drama and the other, bigger part that just couldn’t let go of him.

He clenched his jaw, now back to his earlier self. “Leave him out of this. He doesn’t deserve to be a replacement”

Now it was my turn to grin. “Oh, so your only purpose is to protect your bestie? And what if I told you that I actually really like him?” 

“I can’t believe that I was stupid enough to fall for your dirty game” He hissed, grabbing me by my arm. His grip was tight to a point where it started to hurt but I wasn’t about to show him that.

My dirty game?” I repeated, laughing incredulously. “I’m not the one who’s engaged and about to get married”

“Hope, don’t fuck with me” He growled, his eyes sparkling with anger. I raised my head a little bit more just so that our lips were close, ways too close to each other.

“I’m not” I whispered as I smiled, just to provoke him a little more. “What we had was fake, wasn’t it? You played me while Dylan has always been nothing but honest. He’s the one I should be with”

Needless to say that regret washed through me almost immediately. I was tired of acting like a bitch and I was tired of suppressing my emotions. I closed my eyes, slightly rubbing my temples as I decided to eventually overcome my pride. “We both know that I didn’t mean it like that”

“We do?” He merely asked, his voice a lot calmer than before. I don’t know why I hadn’t realized it before but now that I looked at him I noticed the dark circles under his eyes, how his skin had lost some of its natural glow and how there was an expression of fatigue on his face. He almost seemed like an injured animal and I couldn’t help but feel responsible for it.

“How are you, Blake?”

There was a long moment of silence but it was not an awkward one like with Dylan. It was not like there wasn’t anything we could talk about and I also didn’t feel like we had to talk about something. It was okay to be quiet for a while. Saying nothing with Blake was so much better than any conversation I could have had with Dylan.

“Not good” He finally said. “You don’t understand how much you get to me. You don’t understand how much it hurts to see you with someone else”

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