I love the way you lie CHAPTER 10

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Hey :D 

So first of all I recently noticed that I have never expressed my thankfulness to you guys so I'm going to do that now:

Thank you so incredibly much for giving me and my story a chance. I will give my best not to disappoint you <3 You can't begin to imagine how much I appreciate every single reader and follower!

Oh and as always...sorry for any mistakes that may have occured, I wasn't in the mood to check...as always :D


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Hearing one nasty pick-up line within a night is one thing. You just roll your eyes in annoyance and get over it. But hearing twenty-six of them?

“Hey babe! You wanna sit on my lap and we see what pops up?”


I closed my eyes for a moment, trying to contain my anger as I slowly slid down the pole. Sometimes it was just impossible to consider those perverted men as actual human beings. It seemed like their main occupation was to come up with the grossest ways to hit on girls. I knew that I wasn’t in the position to get mad, after all this was my job. But it still shocked me how those men were husbands and fathers through the day and disgusting retards at night.

Usually I had a way to ignore their remarks. After the first few months I had even managed to blend out the thoughts about their families but ever since Blake Riviera was not leaving my mind, they weren’t either.  

All of a sudden the music stopped, tearing me out of my glum thoughts as a small crowd gathered around a middle aged man repeatedly punching a blonde girl. I stared wide-eyed at them, frozen in shock as I gripped onto the pole for support. I wasn’t sure that I would’ve managed to stand by myself anymore.

“You are a disgrace! Whore!” He shouted as he pulled her towards the wall and slammed her head against it. 

The girl fell onto the ground with a loud thud, her face now turned in my direction. She didn’t move anymore.

I gasped in horror as I jumped off the stage, running towards the one girl who had cared enough to save my life all those years ago. 

“ANNIE!” I screamed, terrified of what might have happened to her. The guy was too drunk to even see me coming which was a substantial advantage.

I jumped on his back and we both fell onto the floor with me on top. He let out a surprised grasp as he tried to raise his fist. I took his arm, twisting it until I heard a satisfying crunch. The man screamed in pain as I proceeded doing that to his other arm.

It was quiet surprising how weak he actually was. Annie could have handled him with an ease so why hadn’t she? She was the strongest woman I knew and yet she had allowed this bastard to knock her out. 

Two security men appeared behind me, pulling me off of him, as Kyle stepped in front of me. He had gone pale and seemed more frightened than angry.

“You have to calm down. She is going to be okay” He whispered more to himself than to me.

“He hurt her”

“I know”


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