8: Drunk events...

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We all drink our shot quickly in one. Right now I'm the kitchen with a bunch of people I don't know doing shots and talking to them. I know they go our school, I just don't know them personally.
That was my 6th shot and now I'm feeling buzzed and a little bit disorientated. Right now I should be worried about Cameron but I haven't got a care in the world.

I stumble on out the kitchen and begin to dance in the living room, not with anyone in particular, just with everyone around me.
I look forward to see Emily and Grace motioning me towards them, so I walk over there trying to act as sober as I can but unfortunately that takes a turn as I trip over someone's foot and fall into some boy.
That boy is Ryder.

He catches me just as I'm about to face plant the floor. I look up at him to see him smiling down at me. He helps me stand straight so we are face to face.

"Leah, right?" He asks in his deep, husky, sexy voice while his glistening sea blue eyes look into mine.

"Uh, yeah. Thanks for catching me..." I tell him shyly looking down at the floor.

"Anytime, so, how comes we've never spoke before?"

"I dunno?"

"Can't believe I've never spotted such a beautiful girl like yourself before."He says to me shaking his head.

My face flushes a light pink and I smile at his sweetness. Then suddenly his hand is on my ass squeezing it as much as he can, I shoot my head up and he smirks at me then leans in. His lips instantly crashes onto mine and we stand there for about a minute or two kissing, his tongue pokes through and I let it in.
Just as I'm about to wrap my arms around his neck, my arm suddenly gets yanked back and I get spun around almost making me fall, I open my mouth to say something to them but just as I'm about to speak my face instantly gets slapped and I stand there in shock. When I look at the person who slapped me I realise it's Daniella Stade one of the prettiest girls in school. She has short blonde curly hair and hazel eyes, she's about the same height as me and she's on the schools cheerleading team. One of the most popular girls in school. She's also known for being Ryder's girlfriend.

I completely forgot about Ryder's girlfriend and by the look of things so did he...

"Who do you think you are kissing him?!" Daniella screams into my face.

"I'm Leah, that's who I think I am." I answer back smiling, unfortunately getting into trouble/arguments while being drunk isn't the best thing in the world. For me as I take it as fun and not actually realise what's happening...

"If you get with him again, I'm warning you!"

"Warning me what? You didn't finish your sentence Dan."

"My name is Daniella not Dan! And I'm warning you that it will be the end of you!"

"Daniella you're not even with Ryder!" Emily shouts at her causing Danielle or what ever her name is to instantly give Emily a dirty look. If they're not together what's the big deal then? Ugh, girls!

Go best friends!

"So what? He's still mine! Understand that, loser?!"

"Actually it's Leah but I'm not fussy." I smile back at her and she stomps off angrily while taking Ryder with her.

I walk over to Emily and Grace smiling and pull them both into a hug, they immediately start laughing as they know I'm drunk plus they found what just happened hilarious!
I'm not gonna lie, I am pretty funny when I'm drunk. I've seen videos.

As we chat to each other, I suddenly feel the need to get some air so I make my way outside. I walk through the hallway and look in the mirror as I go out. My right cheek is bright red then I notice the sting from the slap, the more I think about it, the more it starts to hurt.
I ignore it and go outside, not bothering to see whose there, I sit down on the steps at the front of the house and lean up against the fence next to the step on the decking.
My eyes swirl round and round, slowly my eye lids start to close. I try to keep them open as long as I can but I give up in defeat and let the drink take me away.
Away into a deep, dark, strong sleep.

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