32: Catch Alex out

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Alex barges through the door straight up to me in a panic.
"Alex! What are you doing? What's up?" I ask concerned
"Don't let Brooklyn become friends and join our group." He says in a rushed manner
"Why? What's wrong?"
"Just dont okay! I think she's on to us."
"Er durrr doesn't take a genius to work that out." I say rolling my eyes at him
"Okay okay but if she joins she'll wiggle her way through everyone and eventually get to you and figure it out. Watch your back she isn't as nice as she makes out."
"If she isn't as nice then why'd you go out with her?" I ask him crossing my arms.
"Because, because..."
"Because what Alex?"
"Because she's hot okay! And she seemed okay but she really isn't, please just promise me you'll watch out?" He's pleading for me to promise him, it's like he's in desperate help.
"That's so stupid, you're with her because she's hot. Ugh boys. But yes I promise."
"Thankyou so so much." He says looking relieved.

I mean she can't be that bad right?

I go downstairs to get something to eat a see that Matt is here with my brother.

"Hey Matt!" I shout out as I walk past.
"Ah hey Leah I was wondering where you were."
"Oh you know just chilling in my room."
"Yeah? Have you heard about Alex?" He asks me.
"What about Alex?"
"Oh yeah I forgot to tell ya, but Brooklyn has apparently gone mental and found out he cheated on her." Parker tells me.
"Are you serious? Oh yeah, he did it with Layla pomes."
"WHAT?! As if." I practically scream out.
"Oh yeah" Matt replied "a right dirty dog she is."
"Uh yeah... anyways what's happening now then?"
"They're not together, and I doubt they will be together again if I'm honest."
"Oh, okay." I say walking out acting as if I'm not interested.

But he cheated with Layla Pomes.
Jesus Christ.

I suddenly hear a tapping at my bedroom window, I open the curtains and Alex is throwing stones up to get my attention.
I open the window.

"Yes Alex?" I say in a stern voice.
"Let me come up."
"So you know, I can see you..."
"No, not now."

I go to shut the window but he's already half way up the side of the house. I have no choice but to let him in.
I move out the way and he climbs in.

"What do you want?"
"Sorry but no, can you leave now?"

As I finish my sentence he comes closer to me grabbing my waist as he does so.
This is not happening.
It can't.

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