14: Girlfriend?

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I walk into the school heading for my locker, to get the books I need for the day. Double Physics, Art, Maths, and Double English. As I close my locker door I see Cameron over near the stairs with his group of friends. I act as if I don't see him and attempt to walk straight past, half way there I hear Parker call my name. Slowly I turn around staring straight at him.

"What are you doing Leah?!" He says grabbing my arm pulling me to the side.

"Going to Physics? What do you think?"

"But you're going over to Cameron, what's wrong with you?!"

"Don't be so stupid, I'm walking past him. I have to so I can get to my class." I say tugging my arm out of his grip.

"But what if he says anything or does anything to you?" His expression looks concerned. Even though he can be a pain, he sure does care.

"Well Parker, sorry to let you know this but I'm a big girl. I think I can handle myself." I say laughing.

"Well I don't think so but whatever you want to think."

I give a slight laugh and carry on to my class, I know Parker is still standing there watching to make sure I'm okay. I understand why though. I think everyone would understand dealing with someone like me.

I walk into my class and take my assigned seat. I hate when we get given our seats and are unable to sit where we would like. I like being near the window, it's better. This time I'm next to the wall, which I guess is somewhat good. I wait to see who is next to me hoping it's not Alex.

I see Elliot and Matt walk through the door and they both glance over at me and smile. I see Elliot walk past me to be sat next to Robyn which is good, they get on well, they're best friends and they basically are a couple but not actually if that makes sense. While I'm busy watching Robyn get excited I don't even notice that Matt sits down next to me.

"Hey!" He says cheerfully staring at me, and I smile at him to let him know I'm happy about him being next to me me.

But just as I go to speak to Matt, Alex interrupts the class.

"I'm here! Don't worry, I'm fine. Me and Brooklyn are here!"

He walks in first and following him behind holding hands is Brooklyn. Brooklyn Wilde.
She has long, blonde, curled hair (FYI not naturally curly) with a glowing tan. Her makeup is always perfect as well as her style, she's stick thin, skinnier than Emily and she's always smiling showing her perfectly straight, pearly white teeth. She holds onto his hand even in the class.
I guess she's his girlfriend now...
This was bound to happen, they were bound to get together, they were all over each other at the party but he was all over me at the hotel...

Uh no! Can't think like that, can't get jealous!

"Mr Jones and Miss Wilde would you please hurry up and take your seats! Untwine your fingers too!"

"Alright but she likes my fingers." He says in a cheek tone looking straight into Mr.hens eyes. Brooklyn makes a slight smirk and they both walk off to their seats. Separate of course.

I can see Matt's eyes staring into me and I slowly turn my head round to look at him.

"Huh? What?"

"You're staring at me, do you want something?"

"Oh no.. Sorry I didn't mean to."

I give off a slight laugh letting him know it's fine. Creepy but fine.

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