22: Rumors?

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*Carry on from previous ending of chapter 21*

"Promise, you'll be truthful?" Elliot asks with a domineering look.

"Yes, I promise you're worrying me. Just ask me already!"

"Well, there seems to be a rumor going round that you and Ryder has something  going on... And erm well Matt is a bit confused about it and asked me to ask you about it."

"Oh. Why would Matt be confused?"

"Because everyone though you two were going to be together even him I think, so is it true?"

Just as I went to answer, he was standing next to me with Alex. Talk about awkward timing...

"No it's not true Elliot. You shouldn't believe everything you hear..." Ryder answers while giving me a quick glare. Well I think we've established that he has exceptionally good hearing.

"Oh okay. I was just wondering..." Elliot answers as he goes back over to the rest of the boys while I'm left standing next to Alex confused as hell as to why he'd hide what happened. Am I really that embarrassing? 

"What's wrong sunshine?" Alex asks.

"Nothing and don't call me sunshine."

"OOH someone's panties are in twist."

"Don't think for one second that you had an effect on my panties."

"Well I did that night didn't I." I look at him to his smirk, the smirk he gives when he feels superior and somewhat cheeky to what he's said.

"Ugh." I go to walk off but he grabs hold of my arm . "What now?"

"You know it was me right?" he whispers ever so closely to my face.

"What was you?"

"The person who spread the rumor but Ryder doesn't know that." 

"What? Why?"

"Because I saw both of you, together-kissing. So I wanted people to know without realizing it's the truth and that I spread it. So I went to the nerdiest boy i could find told him to tell everyone so it would get back to Matt so somehow it would get back to you."

"Why would you do that?" I say crossing my arms with a puzzled face.

"Because it's basically your fault in a way that me and Brooklyn broke up plus if I can't have you then why should the others?"

"Because you're not in control, neither are the others. You're so selfish!"

"I know but you love it." He says winking at me. Wow why is he like this? So rudely-annoying but yet so perfectly-amazing.


Can't think like that.

I just walk off and listen to him chuckle at my annoyance, as I walk out of the canteen I walk straight into Parker whose face looks like it has been squashed. Which means his annoyed. Great....

"Hey bro!"

"Don't. Don't even try it!"

"Try what?"

"Try to act innocent like I know nothing, Don't."

"Ugh noting happened, it was a lie, a rumor."

"Why would someone do that? I don't know? Because they're messed up? Weird? Doesn't have a life of their own? Who knows? Ask Alex."

"Alex? Why Alex?"

Oh shit.

"Oh I don't know first person that came into my head. Even ask Matt or Elliot or even better Ryder. He'll tell you trust me."

"Fine, you better hope they're lying."

"They are, trust me." I answer as I walk off.

Jeez, that was close.

*2 hours later*

Finally time to go and I can't stop thinking about this 'rumor' which isn't even a rumor. I'm honestly so confused as to why  Ryder would lie and why Alex would do something like that. Just why.

As I go to reverse out the parking space Brooklyn gets in the way, on purpose.

"Yes Brooklyn?"

"Can you give me a lift?"

"Not really no."

"Why not?"


"Busy with what?"

"Life sorry."

"Please?" As I look at her face the expression instantly makes me give in to her.

"Fine get in." But as we leave I see Alex staring at us, oh god. But I ignore it, continuing to make my way home, well Brooklyn's home and then to mine.

Surprisingly, She doesn't say anything considering she normally doesn't stop but no, not a single word.

 Once I arrive at my house I go to the front door to realize it's locked? And I have no keys at all. Brilliant... This day just gets better and better. I knock loudly on the door to see a shadow slowly walking towards me, as the door opens I go to speak but soon realize that Luke is the one who opens it. What?

As if I've not been confused already, all the boys are at my house for what reason? Nothing at all. 

I walk into the living room area and drop my bag.

"What are you all doing here?" I say in a strong annoyed tone.

"Leah, stop being rude."

"Well I'm sorry but they're here all the time, you don't see me bringing the girls round 24/7 and even if I did you would complain. So answer my question why are these here?"

"Because I invited them that's why. Jeez."

"What for?"

"Oh ya know maybe because we're all mates?"

"But they're always here."


"So they should go to their own homes, It's ridiculous."

"Oh Leah don't be stupid, run off upstairs or something and leave us alone." He says as he sits down next to Ethan.

"Yeah run off midget." Elliot calls out which makes all the boys laugh.

"Midget? Midget? Who do you think you're calling a midget?!" I instantly grab him by his shirt and throw him against the wall. Today is not my day, why would I want these here to make it worse.

"Leah!" All the boys shout.

Straight away Alex get's me off him and drags me to my room.

"Get off me!"

"What is wrong with you?!"

"What do you think Alex, what do you think."

"You need to calm it girl."



"Out, get out!" And with that I push him out off the door into the hallway to shut him and everybody else out.

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