17: Babysitting shock

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I slowly turn off my alarm, hitting snooze and fall back into my sleep. You see I can sleep through anything. Alarms, screams, thunder probably even an earthquake. I go into such deep sleeps I hear nothing but it is difficult for me to fall asleep in the first place but once I'm gone, I'm gone! I love it. I could sleep all day, my dad used to call me Sleeping Beauty, I love it.

Well, used to love it anyways...

"WAKE UP! WAKE UP WAKE UP WAKE UP!" I hear someone shouting at me while they shake my body.

"HMMM?" I groan rolling on my side thinking that's how I can escape.

"GET UP!" I don't, I proceed to stay sleeping in my soft, warm, toasty, comfy bed. I could stay in here all da- BANG.

And I'm on the floor.

"Whyyyyyyyyyyyyy." Thing is with my brother, if he can't get me out of bed he likes to pull me out of it. And when I say pull I mean yank me out of my bed to floor, making a big thump on the ground once i land.

"Because you need to look after Lily."

"Lily? Whose Lily?"

If you can't remember who Lily is she is Alex's adorable little sister who is so kind, cute and funny it's almost too hard to resist babysitting. But today it's easy. I'm tired simple as that.

"Next door Lily, Alex's sister."

"Oh right. Why?"

"His mum's gone to work and Alex needs to come out with us boys to go cinema to watch Suicide Squad. It looks so good!"

"So that means I have to babysit?"

"Yes and you're not allowed to say no or anything along the lines of no, okay? Good, thanks sis!" And with that he runs on out of my room leaving me feeling confused and tired on my bedroom floor.

"Oh leah I've made you breakfast I did fruit for yo-" She stops and looks at me with a confused look on her face. "What are you doing? Why you on the floor sweetie?"

"Parker. That's why."

"Ohhh he got you up did he?"

"Yes for the fifth time this week! Telling me I have to look after Lily so Alex can go out. The cheek of it!" I look up at my mum and she just laughs at my wound up expression.

"Come on then."

I drag myself off the floor, get washed, dressed and head downstairs for food. On the counter I see a bowl of all types of fruit, I love fruit it is by far my favorite thing ever, all fruit! I sit down to eat it when a swarm comes through the door and when I say swarm I mean the boys- there's so many of them. I carry on eating when they all stop and stare at me, every single one of them.

"What?" I say while trying to eat.

"Why are you eating fruit?" Luke asks.

"Yeah tryna get skinnier are we?" Elliot says joking.

"I like fruit?" I answer back abruptly.

"Why, it's weird." Luke says giving me a look.

"No it's n-"

"Don't bother asking her questions like that, she's weird anyways. Wouldn't make any sense."

I give him a dirty look and they boys just laugh. They begin to chat among themselves when Matt comes over to me.

"Do you still want to go bowling tonight?"

Oh crap! I completely forgot about bowling! crap crap crap!

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