12: I left Alex...

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I reach over Alex aand grab my phone to look at the time. 11am! Gosh it's a bit late...

I ring Parker not caring about wether Alex wakes up or not, it doesn't bother me. He instantly picks up, it was like he had been waiting for me to ring him.

"Hello? Leah where are you? This is the second time now, stop disappearing constantly." He say in a worried but annoyed voice.

"I'm at a hotel, it's fine I just got a bit lost when I went out."

"How are you going to get back if you're lost and alone?"

"I'm not alone."

"Who are you with then? Which idiot distracted you?"

"I'm with Alex and he didn't distract me, I wasn't concentrating and just drove too far. It doesn't matter I'm fine."

"Are you sure? I trust Alex but are you positive you're fine?"

"Yes, now stop being an annoying little rat and go do something, bye!"

"Okay, bye."

The phone hangs up and I throw it on the bed almost landing on Alex, I look at him intensely to see if he will wake up soon but he isn't going to, I know it...

I grab all my stuff including my phone and my car keys and make my way to the car. I know I shouldn't have left without him but I needed to, I wanted to...
I get in and make my way home, there's going to be problems when Alex figures out I'm gone, big problems.
An hour later I pull into my driveway to park the car, I enter my house to find all the guys, great... Just what I wanted...

Sneakily I attempt to walk straight to my room ignoring everyone but just as I reach the stairs someone speaks.

"Hey, Leah" Matt calls out causing me to turn around and answer back, I'm not rude, I'm not a rude person so I struggle to ignore people.

"Oh, hi. How comes all of you are here?" I say staring at them.

"Well if you don't mind were planning something, like a day out sort of."

"Nice..." Planning? Planning what? Parker couldn't plan anything even if he tried I've always done it. It should be funny to see what happens!

"Yeh it would be helpful if Alex was here too, is he home now?"

"No, Erm yes I meant yes but he's not so no but yeah?"

"Leah, yes or no?"

"No" I sigh looking down at the floor.

"But if you drove there and back where is he then?"

"Erm well I sort of left him at the hotel and just left this morning..."

"You did WHAT?! So he has no way of getting back?"

"No but he could get a taxi..." I look at Parker and I can see the anger flaring through his face like flames I try to smile but it just gets worse.
"He's probably fine he's a grown boy!" I say in a cocky tone of voice. I get no response he just ignores me and carries on with what he's doing. Clearly doesn't care that much does he.

Suddenly I feel my phone vibrate and then the ringing starts, I look at my phone to see that it's Alex...

*I know this was a short chapter well a bit shorter than the others but I hope you like it, I didn't really have many ideas for this chapter. But hopefully the next one will be great!

*Thankyou so much for being patient with me through these 12 chapters as I know I haven't been delivering them as quickly as I would like, I just have been very busy. I hope you're enjoying this story!
If you've enjoyed this chapter or any other chapter please remember to vote and comment to let me know what you guys think! Love you guys xxx

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