Chapter Four: Quit the Game

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Jihye's POV ~

He left very fast last night. I wonder if it was because I fell on him. Or that I was a noisy neighbor.

The next day I had school. My first class was cancelled, so I just wonder around school until I saw a familiar face. No way...Jhope. I looked closely to see him with books in his hands. He's a student? I've gone to this college for over a year, yet I've never seen him. I watched him flip through pages.

How can he look so kind and calm here? It's like he's a different person.


After school I walked home. I had to remember I had to walk a different direction than before. When I got home I feed Dooman and took a shower. I wasn't five minutes into the shower when I heard a knock on my door.

"Wait one minute, please!" I yelled. I quickly got dressed and put Dooman in another room so he wouldn't go after the person. I answered the door to see two men. Maybe my age.

"I'm sorry if we were bothering you." One said. He smiled creepy.

"I was just getting out the shower." I said. I was starting to get confused why they were here? Who are they?

"I your wet hair." The other said.

They stood in silence for a minute.

"May I ask why you are here?" I asked.

"Our boss sent us. He says quit playing or get played." They both started giggling.

"I think you got the wrong person." I started closing my door until one put his foot between the door. Okay. I'm scared.

" Park Jihye. Parents live in the states at the moment. You go to Hwa Ah University. You were born November 17, 1996. You lived in Busan until the age of 13 when your parents moved to Seoul. By the look on your face...we've got the right person." One said.

My hands were starting to get sweaty. My heart was racing, and my feet were starting to give up on me. I'm scared. I'm scared for my life.

"Nope! I'm not her! Hope you find the person you are looking for! Please...move your foot." My nerves were getting the best of me until his foot didn't flinch.

"Just remember. The boss says "quite playing the game or get played. Bye Jihye! Nice meeting you!" One started walking off. The other got close to me and smiled.

"You have beautiful eyes. Has anyone ever told you that." He said.

I didn't breathe until he walked away. I closed my door and locked in shut. I even moved my chair in front of the door. I'm scared.

Who is the boss? Why are they telling me I need to "quit the game"?

I let Dooman out and laid down on my couch. He laid beside me and soon my eyes gave up on me. I didn't wake up until I heard a bang. Dooman was at the door barking. I walked and picked him up to hear another bang. What's going on? Should I look outside my door? What is the noise? I was lost in thoughts when my door busted open. A giant foreign man walked through. He had a scar above his mouth. Almost like someone slashed his face.

I didn't take a second look as I ran to my bedroom. I closed the door behind me locking it. I put Dooman on my bed rushing to my dresser. I pushed it in front of my door. I ran to my window and cracked it open. I was on the third floor but I seen two bushes down below.

"I'm sorry boy." I dropped Dooman out the window. Praying he would land safe in the bushes. When I heard him bark I new he was alright. I heard another bang and my door started to move. This guy is really ramming down doors left and right! He's a monster!

I placed my legs out the window and looked down.

"Why the hell did I look down?" I said. I heard another bang and looked behind me to see the guy standing in my room. My bedroom door. I thought.

"Brave little one." He said in what seemed like a slight Russian accent. I saw him walking close to me. I fell. I fell out the window hitting the bushes.

"Ow!" I got up to see my left hand bleeding. Must have jabbed my hand on a branch. I got off the bushes and grabbed Dooman. I started running. Running until I got to my school. Classes were over but I knew the building was still open. In the school I seen a few people. Looking around I seen Jhope. I ran to him as fast as my feet could move.

"What are you doing here?" He asked. He looked me up and down. I was wearing little blue shorts with a baggy white t-shirt. And no shoes. Oh, and carrying a dog. How weird I must look.

I took a few breaths in before speaking.

"Some man broke into my apartment. I don't know what's going on, but it's the second person today who's scared me." I said. Jhope looked behind me send then grabbed my arm. He started pulling me the stairs.

"Where are we going?" I asked looking at the back of his head

"Somewhere private. Somewhere no one can find us." He said.

"Why is that?" I asked. He didn't answer until we reached a old classroom. It looked like no one has stepped in here in years. Dust was horrible. Jhope closed the blinds and sat down in the back of the classroom.

"Come sit. I've got something I need to tell you." He said.

I sat beside him. I placed Dooman in my lap as he slept quietly. Jhope looked at me almost teary eyes, but I seen more anger. He looked really pissed.

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