Chapter Thirteen: Kidnapped

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Jihye's POV

How long am I going to sit in this car waiting for Jhope and the others? I'm already on edge waiting to see them walk out the door with Jin. It's killing me to know all of this is because of me and Felix. Whoever this Felix guy is someone needs to lock his evil ass up. A flashback in my head remind me of that day Jhope showed me those pictures. That day  I was so angry. But I placed it on Jhope, when really my hate was towards Felix. I just didn't know I could hate someone so much, that I didn't even know.

Bark! Bark! Bark!

Dooman was going crazy trying to get out my arms. I let him go as he ran to the window barking at it. I crawled over the seat to look out the window. Nothing. Just the tree above me giving me shade. I heard a noise from outside the car and before I could even react the car door to my left open. Dooman went in full attack mode biting whoever was there.

"Dooman!" I yelled trying to get him but another person jumped in the car.

"Hey! Don't leave me with this rat! It's fucking biting me!" The one who opened the door screamed back. I backed up as I saw the tall guy sit beside me smirking. I just stared at his dark cold eyes until I heard Dooman cry out. I started crawling over the guy to get out the door.

"No way princess." The guy said holding me back. Someone else jumped into the front seat of the SUV. Trying to look around for something.

"Please don't hurt him." I begged looking up at the guy holding me. He smiled back.

"We won't if you stay still. It's just a infect he has on dogs. None of them like him." The guy holding me said. I pushed back against the right side of the door. I'm afraid. I thought.

"Who are you?" I demanded. The guy sitting beside me just chuckled. The car door behind me open making me fall backwards. But then someone pushed me forward falling face first into the other guy's private part. I quickly jumped up but only to be squeezed in between two boys.

"Are you ever going to start the damn car?" The guy on my right snapped.

"Well maybe so if someone would have stopped playing with the damn dog." The guy sitting up front snapped back.

"I wasn't trying to play with that damn dog. It's just screwed up in the head." He snapped back. I turned to my right hitting him in the arm.

"He's a good dog! Don't call him names!" I yelled back. I'm always the type of person when I either get afraid or I get panic, I just talk nonsense. Nothing really ever adds up or even makes sense. But these weeks I've spent with the others I'm starting to change. I feel stronger. I'm not afraid of my words.

"And why does Felix want this brat?" The guy sitting beside me started pulling on my hair making me flinch.

"Because Jhope will sign the contract to not come after him for thirty days. She's like the main tool that combines the contract. Jhope can't break the contract or she gets killed." The one in the drivers seat said starting the SUV. What? Contract? Thirty days? My mind was going in a million directions. But my heart was telling me something bad was about to happen.

The car started driving off as I looked behind to see the building Jhope and the others were in. Is this it? Was that kiss the last thing I'll remember from Jhope? Am I going to die? I felt someone's hand and the heard a click. I was so lost in my thoughts I didn't realize the boy sitting on my left was handcuffing me.

"What? Take these off me." I snapped. He started smiling looking deep into my eyes. Why does this kid freak me out so much. Yet looking at him closer he seemed familiar. It took me a minute to realize who I was sitting beside. Who was kidnapping me?

"You are Kookie. And you are Rapmon. And the one driving leaves Suga. Am I right?" I looked up to the same dark eyes that I finally realized was Kookie. He seemed shock for a second before sitting back letting out a small laugh.

"I kinda figured Jhope would have told you about us at one point or another." Kookie said.

"Actually it was Jimin. Jhope, Jin, and him kept photos of you guys as children. They really miss you guys a lot. You guys were like a family to them." I tried smiling as I remembered them all together in the picture smiling. The smiles of seven boys who never smile like that today. Who doesn't remember the memories they once shared.

"Stop acting like you know us. Just shut up and enjoy the car ride." Rapmon snapped turning me over to face the front. I did as he said and stayed quiet. At one point I tried moving my hands around in the cuffs to see if I could get out. But Kookie grabbed my hands keeping them still. He just held onto my hands until we arrived at the destination.

"Where are you guys taking me to?" I asked, well mostly Kookie. So far he was the only one nice to me. Rapmon hit my dog and snapped at me. And Suga hasn't spoken a word to me yet.

"Felix said you could stay at our place for the thirty days. We've got a extra room." Kookie said.

Stay with them?

"Just don't touch anything of Rapmon's and don't bother Suga when he is sleeping. If you are going to stay with us there will be some rules. Rule number one, keep your room clean. Rule number two, don't talk back unless spoken to when it comes to Felix. And rule number three, don't even think about escaping. Because if you do then we'll have to hurt you. And I really don't like it when Felix takes away my girls." Kookie said touch my cheek. I remembered what Jimin said about Kookie. That he sleeps with a lot of girls and then Felix takes them. And then sells them to human traffickers. Just by his smile I know Kookie doesn't know what Felix is doing with them. It truly hurts me that he doesn't know what's going on.

"Okay we are here." Suga said parking the SUV. Kookie got out first waiting for me to walk behind him. I jumped out just to be grabbed by someone. I looked over to see the person holding me was none other than Rapmom. He really doesn't like me. I thought.

"Welcome to our home, uh, what's your name?" Kookie asked.

"Jihye." I said

"Well Jihye, welcome to our home. Hopefully you'll feel comfortable." Kookie said.

"Yeah, yeah. Lets just get inside and order some food. I'm starving." Rapmon whined. He pulled on my arm walking up to a large white and gray house. It wasn't fancy like the house I was staying in with Jhope and the others. But it wasn't small either. Once we got inside the house I heard the door behind me click.

"It's a alarm. So if you escape we will know." Suga explained walking pass me to the living room. Kookie reached inside his pocket pulling out a key. Once he unlocked the cuffs from my wrist I started rubbing them. Who would have known that wearing these would hurt so much.

"Does Chinese food sound good to everyone?" Rapmon asked standing in the kitchen. He held his phone in his hand as he yelled.

"Do you like Chinese food?" Kookie asked smiling at me. Sadly to say I am hungry.

"Yeah. Sounds yummy." I said.

I'm trying not to freak out from being kidnapped and held hostage for thirty days. I know if I was with Felix I would be dead or worse. But being with Kookie, Suga, and Rapmon I actually feel safe. I don't feel scared.

But I am sad. Sad that for thirty days I can't see Jhope.

Hi, yeah back with another chapter.
Hopefully this chapter was 👌

Anyways, thank you for reading.


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