Chapter Eighteen: Misses Her

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Jihye POV

"Have you guys really thought about this whole situation. It's been a week since we've seen Felix and you guys went back to your regularly ways. I'm telling you guys to get out. Leave. He's evil." I yelled. All three of them were laying on the couch. Kookie and Rapmon were playing video games while Suga was sleeping or pretending.

"There is nothing we can do about it." Rapmon bluntly stated. I walked in front of him crossing my arms.

"Move! I'm not losing to this little kid because of you!" Rapmon said annoyed. I didn't move a inch until I heard the game say game over. Rapmon jumped up eyeing me. His eyes were scary but I've seen worse.

"You really are a brat." He said walking away.

"I'm being serious. Once he's done with you guys he's going to do the same thing he did to Taehyung." I said. The last part seemed to trigger something in all of them.

"What did you just say?" Suga asked sitting up.

"He'll do the same thing to you he did to Taehyung." I replied back looking at them confused.

"What happened to Taehyung?" Kookie asked.

"Felix had someone try and kill him. He's been staying with Jhope and the others for the time being. Felix will do the same to you. I just don't think you'll be so lucky to have a hero." I said. They all stood up and started walking around.

"You are sure right? Odd smile. Maybe this tall." Rapmon asked.

"Yeah. He even calls Jhope, Hobie. I know you guys have nicknames for each other." I replied.

"This son of a bitch!" Rapmon yelled kicking over a vase. I flinched and then took a step back.

"Felix told us he was killed on a mission." Suga said looking down. He looked more happy than angry which made me feel better.

"Why?" Kookie asked looking confused.

"I think it was because Taehyung was rebellion against him. Felix only knows one thing in life. And that is taking another life." I explained walking over to Kookie. I sat down beside him placing one hand on his back. He looks betrayed and afraid at the same. My words are hurting him, but it's for the best. They need to know. That Kookie's girlfriend's aren't just leaving him, that Taehyung is still alive, and that Felix is nothing more but the devil himself.

"We need to know the whole truth." Rapmon said snapping his fingers. We all looked up at him like it was the mission of life. Finally someone is getting up and doing something! Thank you Rapmon, you are the smartest person in this house. You are finally understanding that sitting around is going to get nothing done.

"And how do we do that? Do we just walk up to Felix and say 'hey, like did you lie to us about Taehyung? And why?'" Suga asked mocking Rapmon.

"We go and ask." Rapmon said mostly looking at me. I was staring back at him confused. Is he really going to walk up to Felix and ask him? Is he really expecting a truthful answer to come out his mouth? And here I was thinking he was the smart one.

"I was joking. You can't be serious?" Suga asked raising a eyebrow.

"Not Felix." Rapmon's smile was more like turning into a smirk. Especially every time he turns towards me.

"Then who?" Kookie asked almost emotionless. He looked tired and confused. I can understand this was a lot on his shoulders. Thinking this man who just came into your life is a role model or a inspiration, but truthfully is just using you. Telling you your childhood friend is dead when really he tried to kill him. It's gotta be hard.

"Taehyung himself." Rapmon was finally grinning like a joker. Everyone started smiling but it was me who was jumping up and down.

"That's means I'll go to Jhope's!" I excited. This is where's Rapmon smirk came back.

"Slow down little thing. I never said you. Last time I checked our boss told us to keep you away for thirty days. You've got twelve days left, I think you can hold up." Rapmon smirked making me sit back down on the couch next to Kookie.

"He's right Jihye. I don't like the guy, but let's just do what he says until the thirty days are up." Kookie said smiling. His smile made  me feel a little at ease. I sat back on the couch pouting.

"So what we leave the brat here alone in the house?" Suga asked looking at Rapmon.

"No her and Kookie can stay behind." Rapmon said smiling.

"Yeah!" Kookie cheered looking at me. I'm just glad it's not one of them.

"We'll probably be gone for a day or two so I'll leave some money behind to get take out. Remember only Kookie can answer the door." Rapmon said taking out his wallet. He gave Kookie some money before him and Suga got ready to leave. After ten minutes of getting a few things they were gone. Kookie started off telling me we could watch movies, play video games, and even talk about our lives. We first started off by ordering pizza and wings. It was already passed five o'clock and we were hungry. Probably missing lunch didn't help.

Jhope's POV

I looked up at the clock to see it was already passed eight o'clock. I've been down here for over six hours working out. Jimin let me borrow his punching bag and it's really been helping. I feel stronger and I'm getting out my anger without hurting others. Dooman has been sleeping in the corner away from me. Since Jihye has been gone he hasn't even come up to me, and every time I go near him he walks off. I thought I could hold him for support, but I guess not. Like me I think he really misses her. I decided not to cry for her and start punching the bag again. But this time a lot harder than before.

"Jhope! Jhope! Jhope!" I heard Taehyung and Jimin scream running down the stairs. They both looked like they just saw a ghost. Pale and frighten. I stopped punching the bag and walked over grabbing a nearby towel waiting for them to catch their breath.

"Ra-p." Jimin said exhausted

"What is it Jimin? Spit it out." I inquired.

"Rapmon and Suga are here." Taehyung snapped standing up straight.

They must want to die tonight. I thought throwing the towel down on the ground walking passed them up the stairs.

"What are you going to do?" Jimin asked me walking behind me.

"Demand to see my Jihye." I bluntly stated walking to the front door.

⚪️〰〰〰〰〰〰〰〰 ⚪️
I know I'm a brat to cut it off right here but I'm going to try and make the next chapter pretty good and long.
I'm always sorry for not updating on this for awhile, my internet was cut off and I couldn't post anything for a week or two.

                                                Thanks for reading!

                                                                 Anyways,                                                Thanks for reading!

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