Chapter Seven: Empty

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"Hey are you alive in there!" I heard someone yell. I heard Dooman bark at the door as I moan rubbing my eyes. I tried sitting up only to fail.

"Crap I forgot about this." I said touching my leg.

"Are you awake?" Another voice said. I grabbed my wheelchair and went to the bedroom door. I opened it to see Jin and Jimin. Dooman ran passed them exploring the house.

"Dinner is ready if you want to come down and eat." Jin said smiling. Jimin turned around kneeing down.

"Here get on my back. I'll take you down." He said.

"Oh no! I weigh to much."

"It's fine. Get on." He hit his back. I placed my arms around his neck and held onto him. He walked down stairs with me on his back like it was nothing. I was truly amazed. He carried me to the kitchen and sat me down in a chair. In front of me was a long table filled with food. But I only saw five plates. The table looked so empty with so many empty chairs.

"The others will be down soon. They are trying to track someone down." Jin said.

"Who are they trying to track down?" I asked.

"Sorry but we can't tell you yet." Jimin said sitting beside me.

"What do we call you?" Jin asked sitting a glass of wine down.

"Jihye." I said.

"Such a pretty name." Jin replied. I couldn't help but smile a little.

"Will you please go down there and call them to the table again." Jin said crossing his arms. Jimin walked out the kitchen and a few minutes later came back in with Jhope and a tall guy. The guys arms were bigger than my head. But his smile was sweet and kind.

"You must be Jihye! It's nice to meet you." He said hugging me.

"I'm Daehyung." He introduced himself, finally letting go of me and started patting my head.

"Did you find him?" Jin asked.

"Of course we found him. But the problem is he was already gone by the time we checked. So now we have to find him all over again." Jhope said sitting beside me.

"Who are you guys trying to find?" I asked Jhope.

"Felix." Jhope said.

"I didn't think you want to tell her." Jimin butted in.

"Knowing her, she probably sneak in the middle of the night to find it out anyways. It would save us a lot of time if we just told her. Plus I don't think we should be hiding things from her." Jhope looked up at me. I just sat still as his eyes were burning holes into me. Once he looked away I finally let out my breath, not realizing I was holding it in l

"Felix. Isn't that a foreigner's name?" I asked.

"It's more like a code name. We just don't know who it is yet." Jhope said.

"Why are you trying to find him?" I asked.

"He's the one who told every gang in Korea that you are Jhope's girlfriend. He's also the one who made this happen." Daehyung said pointing at the empty chairs. I remember Jhope and those other guys talking about losing people. Is this what they meant by that. This Felix guy took them.

"Enough gang talk. Let's enjoy this wonderful dinner and give thanks for another beautiful day." Jin said. As we were in the middle of eating Daehyung's phone went off.

"Little brother is calling. Excuse me while I take this." Daehyung said excusing himself.

"So Jihye. What made you move into Jhope's crap apartment complex? I really doubt you moved there for the good neighborhood and beautiful buildings." Jimin sarcastically asked.

"My old landlord had to sell the property. And the guy who bought it kicked us out. He's making my old home into a club. Even though Jhope's apartment complex may be poor looking. It saved me. I would be homeless if I didn't see a flyer for his poor complex." I calmly said taking a sip of my drink.

"I'm sorry. You probably think I'm a ass." Jimin looked down playing with his shirt.

"No. You just thought what everyone else would think of. Don't get me wrong, everything you just said was going through my mind when I moved in there. But it was a place to stay." I reached over a touched Jimin's arm.

"What about your parents? You couldn't go to them?" Jin asked.

"It took everything I could do to convince them I was fine on my own. That I could make it here in Korea. But now they live in the states. I wouldn't dare ask them just to get yelled at."

"Oh. Well now you live with us. You can stay here rent free for however long you want." Jin excitingly said.

"Thank you. But I'll probably just stay here until these rumors stop. If I stay longer then I'll feel like a bum." I said.

"Just stay here. It's more safer than my complex." Jhope said. We all looked over at him who was just eating his food. I was about to say something when Daehyung walked back in.

"We found him! The guys are at the scene right now." Daehyung yelled. Jhope jumped up.

"Jin can you drive us there?" Jhope asked.

"Sure. Jimin you stay with Jihye." Jin said grabbing the keys off the counter.

"Whatever you do don't leave the house. We'll be back in a few hours." Jhope said running out the door. Both me and Jimin sat there as we heard everyone leave.

"Well. That was just sudden." Jimin said laughing.

I looked back at the table. I never thought it could get more empty, but it just did.

Not a very long chapter but I was having such writers block. Lucky I just went to bed waking up knowing what to write. I hope it's a okay chapter.


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