Chapter Twenty-Seven: Lost Words

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Jihye's POV

I did it.

I actually did it.

I shot someone. I shot Joowon. Even with my shaking hands and pounding heart, I ended up shooting Joowon in his right side. Immediately he fell to the ground holding his side. I just knew me shooting him would feel good, getting revenge for those poor people he killed, for all those poor girls who are still lost overseas. But nothing felt right, I didn't feel peace, happiness, nothing, I felt nothing. Why though? I should feel happy I just shot him, I should feel joy that he's not going to do anything evil again. So why do I feel numb?




Even though I hear my name being called from multiple people I'm only looking at Jhope who happens to be staring directly at me. Like me he looks lost for words and confused.

"Badass Jihye!" That voice I recognized as Suga who seemed to be proud of me shooting Joowon. Jhope on the other hand quickly jumped up running straight to me with the most angriest expression on his face. Something I've never seen and wish to not see ever again.

"What are you doing here!? You are supposed to be outside with Taehyung! Why are you in here!?" Jhope's voice was sharp like a knife sending chills down my spine.

"I-I-I." I'm completely lost for words. I've never heard someone so angry before. I feel like a frighten puppy during a summer storm. Wishing to run and hide away from the loud noises.

"Jhope don't-" Jin was trying to speaking until Jhope grabbed my shoulders. At first I flinch for a second, I wasn't afraid he would hit me, but the angry screams he gives scare me.

"Why?" He shouted again. Then it happened, tears fell down his face like a waterfall. I guess holding in your tears for so long can really hurt a person.

"Jhope-" I stopped speaking when he pulled me into a tight hug resting his head on my left shoulder. Even though the thick jacket I could feel his tears sinking through.

"Why did you put your self in danger like that? I promised myself I would keep you safe, you were supposed to stay outside where no one could bother you. I didn't want you to do this because I know it can really destroy a person." Jhope said. I heard someone else punch someone and then footsteps.

"Well, Felix is down and all of his men are either on the floor or chickened out and ran away. Either way this is great! We finally got the team back together, Felix is done for, and everyone is safe." Jimin shouted.

"Not all." Joowon sat up pointing his gun at me and Jhope. In another flash you could hear a bullet. I looked down to see the gun in my hands now in Jhope's. I looked back at Joowon to see one single bullet hole through his head.

"Yeah!" Suga shouted. I noticed Suga really likes us shooting people. No surprise there.

"Can we just go home now?" Jimin whined walking up to us. He gave us a puppy dog look before begging. No I'm not kidding, he actually start to beg.

"Please! Please! I'm still really, really tired!" Jimin went on.

"That reminds me, I still have to kill you." Suga growled before chasing after Jimin. Instead of laughing at them I turned my attention back to Jhope who seemed to be searching for those lost words.


"I think we all need some rest. Let's just go home for the time being, alright. Jin can drive you guys home, me and Suga will clean this up." Rapmon said walking up to us. Jimin quickly ran behind me holding onto my arm as a panting Suga ran beside me.

"Me? Clean up? Ha!" Suga laughed looking at Rapmon.

"Yes, you." Rapmon repeated.

"Where's Taehyung?" Jhope asked.

"Taehyung!" I started running out the building and back towards the greenhouse where I saw Taehyung and Jungkook laying together on the floor. On Taehyung's head was a yellow sticky note from Daehyung.

I'm turning both me and Borya into the cops. Just promise me Taehyung will be safe.


Borya must be the huge Russian man, but Daehyung turned himself in. All for Taehyung. Why can't I have a sibling like that?

"What the hell happen to them? What the hell is this place? A meth lab?" Jin asked walking behind me.

"They were tranquilized. We've just got to get them in the car." I didn't answer his other questions because I was still lost myself. Lost of everything.

After getting Taehyung and Jungkook into the car Jimin and Jin jumped in next. I on the other hand was waiting for Jhope. I can come off greedy or clingy but I don't care, at the moment I need Jhope. I watched as Rapmon and Jhope drug out Joowon's lifeless body outside the building. Suga started dragging out the dead bodies of Joowon's men as well as some who were still alive.

"Jhope." I called out. Jhope stopped what he was doing and slowly walked over to me. Before I could ask him anything he gave me a small peck on the lips followed by a tight hug once again. I felt like flying. After everything I needed his warmth. His strength, his smile, and finally I've got it.

"I'll be home in awhile. Like Rapmon said, just go home and get some rest. Okay. We can talk about everything later." Jhope flashed me his angelic smile before opening my car door.

"You promise?" I held out my pinky waiting for him to except. To my surprise he didn't promise with his pinky but with another kiss.

"I promise I'll be home in a few hours." He said. As soon as I sat down he quickly closed the door behind me and Jin started to drive off.

Why do I have this feeling like I'm never going to see him again? Why do I feel sick all of a sudden?

So yeah I could say the next or next one after this will be the last chapter, but I can't predict how long this story will go on. The crazy part is I haven't even finished writing this yet and two people have already asked me to write a sequel. 😊🤔 idk. I'm still a shame and disappointed in myself for not updating on my other stories. But oh gosh, I need to go. I'm yawning and it's passed midnight. See ya, till next time!

                             Thanks for reading!

                                   Anyways,                             Thanks for reading!

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